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KITTYONFYRE t1_j9pe89t wrote

this bill is not giving more control to the state, though...


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j9pi34n wrote

Do you actually believe that the state will stop after taking this step of control over local zoning?

The state already “incentivizes” traditional village settlement patterns (largely along now un-managed rivers in the age of climate change??? /smh) with designation, funding and regional planning entities.

I’m sure Burlington residents are gonna love the plan that the Jericho/Underhill legislators have in store for them.

This is not gonna end well or inexpensively.


KITTYONFYRE t1_j9ps1fb wrote

slippery slope fallacy. zzzz address the bill, not some wild "what ifs" pulled from your ass

it's pretty unlikely that this bill passes anyway


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j9q1w5u wrote

I think this bill or a similar bill is likely to pass this or next session.

Please read the proposed legislation, it’s linked from the Digger story.

The elements of the regional plan portion of the bill are straight up central planning, including a requirement to hire “housing resource navigators” to direct the Towns.

More layers of government regulation never make life (or housing) more affordable for average Vermonters.


homefone t1_j9qfr3o wrote

Good. Local municipalities shouldn't be able to restrict all housing development, maybe barring large single family homes. The median home in Massachusetts costs well over $600K. If you'd like to fix the problem before we arrive at a similar point, the only way to do it is to build more housing and that's impossible without addressing local zoning.