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ZhugeTsuki t1_j89ffjw wrote

Sounds like he can actually get some shit done in this role. maybe even moreso than if he was president (assuming congress wouldnt have let anything through). We shall see


Key-Understanding770 t1_j8a0phm wrote

He used to target millionaires and billionaires. Now that he is a millionaire he targets billionaires and trillionairs. He doesn’t have integrity. He figured out how to make money in the system. He is a true socialist.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j8atmk6 wrote

I think the general observation is two fold to be honest. I dont really care how much money he has. I do think it is kinda funny his answer was write a best selling book and you can be a millionaire too. Yeah man, that’s how a consumer driven economy works. That is the definition of capitalism. Produce a product lots of people want and you can get rich. This is exactly what Gates, Musk, and Bezos did.

The second part, the language pivot looks bad even if his core message remains the same. Like if your stump speech rallies against a socioeconomic class you suddenly become a part of, then you drop that class from your speech, it makes you look a little hypocritical.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j8azj0t wrote

Nobody cares, but again, you called him a liar for an issue which was reported on which actually makes you the liar there. So I guess if you don’t care you are a liar, that is on you, I personally don’t care that you are a liar. Just pointing it out in case you missed it.


Mntnrunner516 t1_j8c52ns wrote

Whatever. I hate to be this person, but it probably won't change anything. I've pretty much given up on politicians from either side making things better.


you_give_me_coupon t1_j8dx4oo wrote

> Sounds like he can actually get some shit done in this role.

Like what? I read the article and didn't get much of a sense of that.

Fundamentally, the Dems won't let Bernie have any power that he could use to do something for regular people, like any step toward universal health care.

Will Bernie be able to use this role to stop the Medicare privatization that began under Trump and that Biden accelerated? Don't bet on it.


ArkeryStarkery t1_j8gbsxk wrote

Fun story: I was actually in college with one of the original Tesla engineers. She went off and joined that no-name startup before Elon even bought it.

He also bought the title of "founder", and pretended ever after that he'd founded the place. Or that he had anything to do with design or engineering.

Here's what he did: he was born into a slave-owning family and inherited millions of dollars. That's what he did.