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Key-Understanding770 t1_j9r5qqk wrote

I guess you’re probably wearing shorts today and tomorrow as well as next week. Don’t forget the sunscreen


casewood123 t1_j9r702l wrote

Still not cold.


Key-Understanding770 t1_j9r9a97 wrote

I guess all the people walking around in heavy jackets, hats and gloves missed the memo. I wear a hooded sweatshirt most of the time because I am in and out of my truck. So I am acclimated. Most people are cold in the 30’s and below.


casewood123 t1_j9r9vfz wrote

I along with most Vermonters consider “cold” as zero degrees or below. This “cool”. You’re just a troll who had to come back for another bite after eleven days. What in the fuck is wrong you? Time to move on. Good day and go bother someone else that you disagree with.


Key-Understanding770 t1_j9rb39o wrote

You invited me back when it got .cold. It will be below zero tomorrow. Most Vermonters? I think most Vermonters would disagreed with your definition of cold. I’m out. Keep drinking the Kool Aid. ✌️


casewood123 t1_j9rdbdw wrote

Keep collecting the downvotes.


Key-Understanding770 t1_j9rjc4b wrote

I don’t give a shit about up or down votes. Because you do says more about you than me. Blocked fuck you too