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lavransson OP t1_j9kw4wo wrote

Thanks, good tip. They are going to the DMV this afternoon, hoping to replace the non-photo learner's permit with one that has a photo, or whatever else they might recommend given the time constraints. I don't think it's possible to get a Real ID expedited but perhaps you can get a non-Real ID learners permit with photo. We shall see. I think this qualifies under TSA's rule:

>Driver's licenses or other state photo identity cards issued by Department of Motor Vehicles (or equivalent)

I have heard a few tips from you and others about the workarounds for lost and stolen, etc., but I am wary of doing this. We are going to be a family of 4 traveling together and if one of us gets stuck, it will be a mess 😧 Travel is hard enough already.


PuddleCrank t1_j9l9dl4 wrote

For sure. Good luck, and remember that most of the staff at the airport want to make it work too.