Emotional-Mulberry82 t1_j9jxq6f wrote
This place is really great. Bring a mask! And you will find helpful people and lots of choices.
blipblapblorp t1_j9jpgqi wrote
Feeding Chittenden ( has a no questions asked policy. They serve breakfast and lunch and have take away groceries.
alittlejolly t1_j9jmqrg wrote
Check out:
Here is a larger list:
amoebashephard t1_j9k48zk wrote
The queen city oddfellows lodge runs a food shelf Saturday and Sunday, 9-11a
KawasakiBinja t1_j9ktiu0 wrote
I have a bunch of hand-canned vegetables from my late mom, I'm sure she'd be happy if I shared them with someone in need.
crazypamplemousse t1_j9kifa2 wrote
Give 211 a call if you have a chance. They can be really helpful and get you directed towards the right resources - maybe even for things beyond food if you have other needs at the moment.
SlytherinTargaryen t1_j9mazph wrote
If you have access to the local Dollar stores, they have shelves STOCKED with food.
$1 can get you over a pound of rice; pasta, sauces, etc.
br0keit t1_j9mlzdj wrote
The little free pantry in Hinesburg usually has stuff if you're able to take the short trip.
vtflower t1_j9nqty0 wrote
I unfortunately don't drive but thank you
davidemclean t1_j9jmo90 wrote