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Empty-Yam-1984 t1_j8sbj6f wrote

There is a Vermont politics sub, keep these posts there. Why are you endlessly spamming every Vermont sub??


cpujockey t1_j8sk6kb wrote

Paul Dame is still a better dude than you rama.


PromiseNorth t1_j8smwv0 wrote

Hey, carful with your gender pronouns there guy.. derp. This Rama chick is turd sandwich đŸ’©đŸ„Ș .

RamadingdouchĂš is better than all of us because she gets up at 4:00 am while us lazy types sleep in till 5:30.


cpujockey t1_j8snahg wrote

> RamadingdouchĂš

bro - that's like insensitivity to indian folk.

I've worked with H1B recruiters and staffers, some of them had names like Rama Krishna, Rama Grewal and so on.

> gender pronouns there guy.

Gender doesn't exist, it's performative. It's a societal construct. Also, dude is universal to all sexes / genders.


Eagle_Arm t1_j8sngjo wrote

At least this post is Vermont related. They are spamming, but it's Vermont related at least.


cpujockey t1_j8sol11 wrote

> Indian do you think there is an opinion forthcoming on the KC Chiefs?

no but this watered down native here can say - IDGAF about what sports teams call themselves. I want to see the good things happen for my cousins on the rez though. Shit is rough out that way.


immutable_truth t1_j8ttrqq wrote

Nobody is engaging your posts except to tell you to STFU. So referring to yourself in the 3rd person like this is essentially you having a conversation with a strawman of yourself


MarkVII88 t1_j9f03id wrote

Hey, guess what? I just noticed that, in his own echo chamber r/PoliticsVermont sub, Rama has just implemented approved comments. You must be an approved commenter in order to comment on any post in that sub. All this was done since last week, when Rama was bitching about being somehow "banned" from r/Vermont, and someone called him out in his own sub. Guess Rama doesn't like being challenged.


MarkVII88 t1_j9f05fe wrote

Hey, guess what? I just noticed that, in his own echo chamber r/PoliticsVermont sub, Rama has just implemented approved comments. You must be an approved commenter in order to comment on any post in that sub. All this was done since last week, when Rama was bitching about being somehow "banned" from r/Vermont, and someone called him out in his own sub. Guess Rama doesn't like being challenged.


sneakpeekbot t1_j9f06my wrote