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wholeWheatButterfly t1_jamtvs3 wrote

In ideal conditions, it's really only safe to pass like 1-3 cars at a time, so once a line longer than that forms, the people in the back really can't safely pass.

But also part of driving in VT is keeping mental track of conditions that day and the few days before. If it's been below freezing over the past couple days, or rained and now it's below freezing, I'm always going to drive very carefully. There are many fatal crashes here every year, sometimes within a mile or so from where you live.

Once when I was a teen, a semi killed a car full of college tourists just minutes after I drove by the same spot. I've hit black ice before and thankfully it was a small patch and I was fine but it's scary!

It can be frustrating, especially if someone is driving more than 5 below the speed limit and conditions are ok to at least go the speed limit. But I have no doubt that slow drivers like this end up saving dozens of lives every year.