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lantonas t1_jarn2to wrote

I went to Rutland last month and both there and back on Route 4 through Killington I was following a car doing 40mph down the mountain riding their brakes the entire time. The roads were dry.

You do you I guess.


0fficerGeorgeGreen t1_jarpo93 wrote

I mean, your example is going down a mountain road. Obviously you want to be cautious in that scenario. That's a little different than traveling on a normal route and driving 40 in a 50 for no other reason than you forgot where the gas pedal was.


lantonas t1_jarq2as wrote

Riding your brakes down a "mountain" road (let's be honest, it's a 4.5% grade east and 3.5% grade west) to go 20% under the speed limit while the roads are completely clear and dry is reasonable?


0fficerGeorgeGreen t1_jartn7t wrote

I was never trying to talk about mountain roads. I'm only talking about VTers unwillingness to pass and how slow they drive. You're the one who brought up a person riding their brakes on a mountain road.

Are you trying to get in an argument or something? Every response you've given has been slightly off topic from my comment before and slightly confrontational. I hope you're having a good day.