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Maleficent_Rope_7844 t1_jaoy2wv wrote

Also, the immunity window after recovering from it is short and the virus lives on surfaces for quite a while (weeks I think?).

So it is possible to re-infect yourself after getting over it if surfaces aren't properly and completely disinfected.

Edit: immunity after infection is more like 2-6 months and the virus can last on surfaces up to 4 weeks.


Admirable-Bank-6300 t1_jbh3nq5 wrote

I thought there was a 6 month immunity after?


Maleficent_Rope_7844 t1_jbil2z6 wrote

Ya, looks like what I said was incorrect. The virus can last on surfaces up to 4 weeks and immunity to a certain strain lasts between 2 months and 6 months, depending on who you ask.