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whaletacochamp t1_janvxg7 wrote

I think only you know how your child will behave/enjoy such an event after that drive. In general I often see kids at these home show type things.


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_jaov0ar wrote

Seems like 90% of the events around middle Vermont are geared towards the over 30 crowd. The displays might be pseudo-interesting to a tot, but I’d forego the seminars. Now digging worms… 1000% the kiddos are gonna enjoy digging in dirt.


[deleted] t1_japil3h wrote

When I was that age, my mom took me to a flower show. One minute everything was fine, the next Mom looks down to see me clutching a prize winning orchid in my fist; roots, ribbon and all.


HappilyhiketheHump t1_jaqxpvw wrote

The show is a great respite from the great of winter.
The show is not huge, so expect to get an hour or two before you head off for your next adventure.