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joeydokes t1_jdtgkwq wrote

Reply to comment by Log_Myri33 in Any advice? by Log_Myri33

Oh, well, never mind (in Emily Latella voice)

Winters' not as bad past 5-6 years as was past 10-20; less need for front-end loaders in driveway moving snowbanks back. Get a snowblower if able. All seasons on AWD, snows on FWD work so long as you're not in the storm proper.

Food, lots to buy from farms nextdoor (milk, eggs, beef/pork) supermarkets for the usual, farmers' markets for nicer/organics.

VT coffee roasters is avail at every gas/convenience store in 802, GMroasters is great! That should answer your ?'s

But you don't know what you don't know, so enjoy surfing on the learning curve!


Log_Myri33 OP t1_jdx8kj7 wrote

Awesome 😁 thank you so much. I'll keep this in mind


joeydokes t1_jdx90ri wrote

enjoy u-pick strawberries at the farm on #100 in Lowell :)


Log_Myri33 OP t1_jdx9abi wrote

That sounds fun ☺️ What do you do for fun?


joeydokes t1_jdxc7nb wrote

montreal (spec. jazz fest), quebec city if inclined for a longer drive.

Enjoy the great outdoors! Take up hunting, fishing, camping; get a small boat + trailer, snow machine

Burlington's novelty wears off fast. Most folk living there rarely venture into the greens and most folk living rural rarely venture into BVT, save for trips to hospital or airport; despite being less than 1 hour away. We are all creatures in need of motivation to get un-horizontal :)