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ceiffhikare t1_jb8wpi6 wrote

So i will start out by saying i went to SJA. I didnt really do well there in whatever kind of environment they are trying to cultivate there. Then i had a kid years later go there and it was just as bad of an experience. Everything from the expense of transporting her ( a couple thousand more a year in fuel costs ) to changing my schedule around to shift work so i could pick her up and drop her off.

SJA didnt offer me or mine much that wasnt more expense and trouble than it was worth, i loathe that my property taxes are going to a non public school.


Intelligent-Hunt7557 t1_jba2ns7 wrote

You really could state your case a lot better without conflating religious, independent, and private, as this jumbled thread shows. It sounds like what has happened over the past 5 years is not unique to the NEK or anywhere in VT. And really it has nothing to do with whether you or your child did well there.

As Americans we are spoiled rotten about a number of things rigged by the government (on a bipartisan basis!) to be cheap for us. Fuel and food costs are among them, and those have seen occasional spikes over the past 50 years (sometimes at the expense of getting re-elected as President!). And COVID times have brought us a new (horrible!) era of resetting our appreciation of labor logistics as consumers. “No one WanTS to WORk ANymORE” = workers know their worth. Are the days of minimum wage drivers and child care workers over? You tell me. Add to that our state’s housing crisis and all the other things affecting us and we have many problems to work through, 0 interest in building a new public high school in St. J for what!? Everyone wants a school right outside their door. Why don’t you move to where the school is if it will save you all this money?


Intelligent-Hunt7557 t1_jba2zvq wrote

I mean, we’re talking what a 200-acre campus, 8-10 years from RFP, and tens of millions right? Show me the money


ceiffhikare t1_jbaabqf wrote

Not sure why you are confused about something so simple as no public funding for non public schools..unless you have a vested or ideological interest in these places existing. The NEK needs a public option to the existing facilities.

As for the rest..? smh talk about me going off on jumbled rants,lol

Edit: im done with the thread so you all with the last word disease can get your digs in,lol. have a great day people!


Intelligent-Hunt7557 t1_jbbsiaa wrote

I’ll keep it simple: you

  1. blamed St. Johnsbury Academy for high transportation costs and
  2. implied a public high school would be more convenient or somehow have less expensive transportation

Both of these points need proof and you didn’t provide any. I tried to explain why the nation is experiencing high transportation costs but maybe you’re not interested in understanding. Enjoy your misdirected outrage!