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bleahdeebleah t1_jbept1d wrote

Top 20% in Florida is 2.3%


dnstommy t1_jbeqkp9 wrote

Ugggg. That's a tough one. I just came back from the kids vacation in Florida. Its crazy and over populated, but I still love it there. Warm, sunny, lots to do. Knowing that I am writing a $2300 check once a month for what is free or cheaper in Florida.

I love my wife and kids.


Soci3talCollaps3 t1_jbg80jg wrote

When you live in florida, you'll understand why those taxes in Vermont are valuable. Especially if you have kids and put them in a Florida school. The only places that have some decent schools are those that have high local taxes to make up for the lack of money coming from the state