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thesoleyid OP t1_jef22r7 wrote

your a real anti semite Israel has a right to follow its faith and defend itself you leftist anti semite you with everyone else in Vermont how dare you I don't forgive you


joeydokes t1_jef93ov wrote

No, I'm a hard-core Leftist anti-zionist; if you're shooting for accuracy. With your 1 day old shit reddit account.

Of course, I may have overlooked your implied /s


thesoleyid OP t1_jefbtm9 wrote

and also anti semite don't forget that


joeydokes t1_jefyimf wrote

Point to the place on the doll where the anti-Zionist meanie offended you. :(

take your trolling back to r/BoardingSchool_Juliet because you'll only find deaf ears here in r/Vermont