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Shortysvtdad t1_jecuxoi wrote

We need to fix rental laws that let freeloaders not pay from October til May because of non-eviction rules.

We need to stop Act 250 from overreaching into areas not included in the law. The Board has, according to it's statute, no authority in a town with sewers, water and a zoning plan. Now, every plan is subject to 250.

We need to allow in-law apartments to be rented to non-family members.

We need to deregulate housing


ChocolateDiligent t1_jee2cu8 wrote

Deregulating does not equal a better housing market, you’re simply conflating bad regulation with good regulation.


Nutmegdog1959 t1_jed1yci wrote

> freeloaders not pay from October til May because of non-eviction rules.

Pure nonsense. If you can't find qualified renters, that's on you.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jeestkl wrote

Can you point to those eviction rules? My mom also swears this is a thing but I see people evicted in all parts of VT throughout the winter. Maybe it's a utility shut off thing, not eviction?


suzi-r t1_jefghrb wrote

Regulate it differently, maybe. Don’t forget that VT’s topography is a challenge. We need our local farms & forests, which keep us healthy, or we don’t have much to pass on to future generations.