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thirstygreek t1_jdh9r3e wrote

Montana or Idaho sound like a better fit.


21stCenturyJanes t1_jdi8zd9 wrote

Hard disagree. She's gay and likes guns and rural life. Vermont is perfect.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jdivxqu wrote

Vermont is theoretically perfect. A Vermont with a healthy housing market would be perfect. Current VT is not a good place to move to, financially, for most people.


Milkfordays OP t1_jdk0jyo wrote

I feel like a lot of people are more okay with lesbians than gay men or trans people and god forbid you bring up non-binary people and all Hell breaks loose. I want to adopt kids because an overwhelming majority of homeless kids are lgbt and I almost ended up on the streets as a kid myself because of sexuality.


Detritus_AMCW t1_jdk2i26 wrote

That sucks that you had to go through that as a kid, any age would be rough, but as a child, I hope you can heal.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jdhzv61 wrote

Being gay in most of Idaho and Montana would be less than ideal and being gay in parts of Idaho especially would be a real bad idea.


Detritus_AMCW t1_jdk28iv wrote

True, New Hampshire may be the way to go, similar gun laws (though you may have to deal with FSP folks occasionally) but there are larger population centers and can get within easy striking distance of Boston while still being somewhat rural.