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ChocolateDiligent t1_jee3b23 wrote

Recycling for the most part is a failed program to curb the use of plastics in our society. Instead of finding alternatives to plastic use we spend money on keeping them in the system, but if the problems is the environment disaster plastics create, why not stop production of plastic? Oh wait the big oil lobby and decades of propaganda efforts. Oh, and those ‘recycle’ symbols on the bottom of containers are resin codes, that where intended to mislead people into thinking they are recyclable despite the fact that most all plastics are not recyclable.

Really great video on this:


durpdurpturd t1_jeeftcg wrote

I was hoping to see an increase in the deposit amount / return amount. If they are worth 10 cents or even a quarter you would see far less on the side of the road which is the point of the bill. 5 cents doesn’t motivate anybody anymore.


lantonas t1_jeeje5s wrote

At the end of the day it's just more incentive to shop in New Hampshire.


Krusch420 t1_jefazv2 wrote

I have to drive 45 mins to redeem my cans. It’s just a tax for me at this point.


J-Stec t1_jefioy6 wrote

Mmmmm Fiddlehead. So good.


Krusch420 t1_jefj7yr wrote

I recycle my cans but we don’t get a deposit. I take my cans to the dump when I take my garbage. It would be awesome to be able to redeem them at the dump where I drop off garbage.


Proud-Put-9907 t1_jeg1ut1 wrote

Society issue not a government one. Government will just make it worse. If society doesn't want to give up their convenient cheap bottling solution for a more permanent alternative, then nothing will happen. The government will just give money to certain people and tax the rest. Just an L. If you want to cut down, then don't personally buy the product


deadowl t1_jegnkj0 wrote

That video is fucking weird. The major reason for the shitshow of recycling right now is that it got outsourced to China because it became comparatively economically nonviable in the US, and the China said "nevermore" to the health issues being caused by the outsourcing, passed regulations, and now here we are without even the facilities we used to have for recycling because they couldn't compete with unregulated China.

Video mentions you can only recycle plastic twice? Wouldn't that decrease plastic consumption to a third of present consumption? Fucking video for morons.