willowbeest t1_jdsfdba wrote
Just a guess based on the apparent texture of the fur, but it looks like it could be a chunk of deer hide, minus the rest of the deer.
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_jdsgr4f wrote
Cannot compute… need banana
vtramfan t1_jdshndw wrote
A hunk of deer.
Affectionate_Log_218 t1_jdso2uq wrote
a tribble!
rockpharmer t1_jdsrkv1 wrote
ClaytonCowles t1_jdsuenf wrote
At least half of it belonged to Cloud Strife.
Sisyphean_ambition t1_jdt8zay wrote
Hunk o’ deer/moose hide. Fun fact: See how the hairs that are bent are kinked… deer have hollow hair, so they kink like a drinking straw when bent over.
Dr_Moonglow t1_jdt9gmg wrote
Definitely deer hair
Anxious-Captain737 t1_jdtbaim wrote
A piece of deer how far from road is it. I own a sizeable piece of land that borders i89 every year i find several deer that have been hit by traffic and mostly eaten by various animals
Classic-Walrus-7752 t1_jdtff9z wrote
Beat me to it.
hate2catchfeelings t1_jdtufdo wrote
Yes, whitetail deer based on the white hair.
It's a piece of hide that includes part of the underside, which is white.
indigent_panda t1_jdu0xy4 wrote
brandoroofwalker t1_jduqfct wrote
The trusty old banana, mans ancient measuring device
SmoothSlavperator t1_jdv1q8m wrote
Its a message from the gods of the hills telling flatlanders to move back to New Jersey.
Left-Link5070 t1_jdv5xl2 wrote
That’s my toupee
Amplify_Love4715 t1_jdvnvkj wrote
Best comment award!!! Nearly spit out my coffee!
sound_of_apocalypto t1_jdwlxm6 wrote
Yeti toupee.
BooksNCats11 t1_jdsfcsk wrote
Something had a snack of...possum maybe?