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hippiepotluck t1_jdjmuzb wrote

What does thinking bigger mean to you?


headgasketidiot OP t1_jdjojht wrote

I started my comment to you with what I think is a great example that's super relevant to the moment, though not the topic at hand. If you're asking about housing specifically, I would like to see the government actually do things directly to fix housing. Just ban airbnb for anything not owner-occupied. Offer social housing directly. I'd love to see proposals on ways to build it, eminent domain strategic STRs and vacation homes, whatever else policy dorks dream up. I'd like to see a conversation switch to actually directly addressing the problem instead of everything being ticky tacky tax here and disicinenvize there.


hippiepotluck t1_jdk347t wrote

I would agree with all of this, I just don’t know how to get momentum behind any new ideas. There’s so much resistance to any kind of change.


Galadrond t1_jdllfhi wrote

At this rate I’m 100% for seizing corporate owned STR properties and turning them into social housing.