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alienwarezftw t1_jc7evf1 wrote

Moving to a New England state that won’t repeat what Washington is doing crime everywhere. We allowed drugs and it’s a mess. I believe certain things should be allowed but not everything. We have a completely comatose society because of these drugs


AllyEmmie t1_jc7f7tt wrote

You need to realize that Washington culture and Vermont culture are entirely polar.

This bill is being passed so drug addicts can receive appropriate rehab care.


Disastrous-Nothing14 t1_jc8pf10 wrote

They need to eat some shrooms and maybe go outside once in awhile.


AllyEmmie t1_jc9cyez wrote

Who does? Vermonters? We literally live outside lol it’s our entire thing


halfbakedblake t1_jc8k187 wrote

There are other factors at play than just the legalization, here and there. We have to change society. People will use it regardless. Why make them a criminal starting down the path where there is no return.


random_vermonter t1_jcb5eo9 wrote

Wah wah wah. There are no safe havens in this country.


alienwarezftw t1_jcb73go wrote

people like you are destroy ing this country every day, we can fight back and demand what is right