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Squee1396 t1_jdzk6be wrote

There is a place in NH that sells homegrown ice cream and it drives me crazy, what are they growing? I wonder what are the requirements for something to be called homemade or homegrown?


akmjolnir t1_jdzltr6 wrote

What brand? I'll eat it.


Shadedavid t1_jdzlz66 wrote

Check out Sisters of Anarchy. I think they’re in Shelburne. They make ice cream mostly from things they grow on their farm.


papercranium t1_jdzoipv wrote

Oh gosh, they are SO GOOD. They had a truck at a work event I attended last summer, and I still daydream about the super chocolate flavor, whatever that was called.

And they're entirely nut-free, so my coworker with allergies who never gets to eat at company shindigs got to have some!


Galag0 t1_jdzpklf wrote

It’s really good but so pricy for that tiny portion. $6 for a Dixie cup.


akmjolnir t1_jdzsoed wrote

If they have it in a nearby store I'll check it out, thanks.


Squee1396 t1_jdzm1b7 wrote

It is good ice cream! I have eaten there a bunch, it just makes me upset the sign says homegrown ice cream lol it is in Walpole, NH i don't remember the name


akmjolnir t1_jdzscmo wrote

Oh, Walpole Creamery. That stuff is good.

If they raise their own dairy cows, and use their milk to make ice cream they can claim homegrown.


Squee1396 t1_jdzshni wrote

Homemade yes definitely, and it is good stuff i am not trying to diss them, they are the best around. Nothing is growing though so it wouldn't be homegrown right?

Edit: i looked up the definition.




grown or produced in one's own garden or country.

"a basket of homegrown fruit"

belonging to one's own particular locality or country

So technically the second one would be accurate but i still think the sign should say homemade not homegrown


akmjolnir t1_jdzstgi wrote

Cows grow, grass grows....


Squee1396 t1_jdzt16h wrote

So my child is home grown? Lol looking at the definition i posted i am thinking it is the second one, about being local.


akmjolnir t1_jdzthmm wrote

Friend, it's just ice cream, not a metaphysical dilemma. Enjoy it for what it is, and have a great day.


Squee1396 t1_jdzu7c6 wrote

Lmao its just a conversation on reddit that came up about it, its not like i think of this sign all day everyday, it haunts my dreams and ive made it my lifelong mission to get rid of it


woolsocksandsandals t1_jdzo50z wrote

Walpole Creamery


Squee1396 t1_jdzo96l wrote

That is what i thought but i wasn't sure if there was more then one place and i didn't want to give the wrong one lol


needathneed t1_jdzyo4o wrote

Walpole creamery is so good. I dunno if that's what op meant but dang is it creamy af.