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hippiepotluck t1_jcjwtk9 wrote

Oh look. More Vermont for non-Vermonters. :(


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jcvb7ch wrote

That is the future of the state. "Vermont" is gone, it's a resort for the wealthy now.


lilaprilshowers t1_jcqv0wq wrote

It was already unused. What do you want? More abandoned decaying buildings in Bennington? You can bet the Airbnb owners are furious about this.


hippiepotluck t1_jcqw0xo wrote

I know. And it’s probably the best possible thing that could happen. I’m just saddened and a little salty that so much of Vermont is a tourist attraction catering to folks who don’t live here while those who do can’t afford even a crappy apartment, nevermind a home.


Filmerd t1_jcyyn59 wrote

Bennington doesn't have much going for it although it has a lot of potential given its location. Cottage industry only goes so far. You need a diversified economy for things to thrive.

Investment coming in will provide employment opportunities for local residents. You can bash it for catering to out of Towners if you want, but I'm not sure what this sub would consider to be a good alternative to help the local economy considering there are so many examples of small towns in VT being supported by out of state tourism.

What about all the ski areas that attract lots of out of Towners that keep folks in small towns employed during the winter months? Are you going to bash those people visiting and spending tourism dollars because they don't have in-state residency? Having a tourism draw has been a strong economic force in helping support local economies, especially in Vermont. I'm not sure there's a better alternative. You need investment for things to improve.


Filmerd t1_jckqyrv wrote

Ironic comment considering the state is so heavily reliant on tourism.


smokeythemechanic t1_jcl62h8 wrote

Relying on tourism and despising people that move in then frantically try to change VT to be like wherever they are from, are not mutually exclusive.


JodaUSA t1_jcpqso2 wrote

We don't want to be. We need SOMETHING to keep our economy turning, and sadly, tourism was the easiest option for investors to get behind. Hopefully we can pull ourselves out of neolib investor hell and spearhead our own path with a real fucking economy.


cpujockey t1_jck4zzj wrote

A Vermont for Vermonters is just as racist as Bajor for Bajorans.


landodk t1_jckbdgj wrote

Services for residents now racist


cpujockey t1_jckbqvo wrote

I don't think you see how problematic it is to not provide services to climate refugees, or out of state folk. Need the out-of-state money so desperately, we must do everything we can to get more tourism dollars!


landodk t1_jckcb6i wrote

I have no issues with helping other people, but making life harder on the people they represent in favor of people that have money is not a great government


random_vermonter t1_jclg9d9 wrote

Not my fault these people lived in a state prone to the worst of climate change and now they’re forced to move. Tough luck.


hippiepotluck t1_jclwvvo wrote

I am not racist. When I say Vermonter, I am referring to people who live here as opposed to part-timers, weekenders, and Air B and B owners. Some of my favorite Vermonters are brand new Americans!