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Wired0ne t1_jcl0kd4 wrote

Don't try to mount it on your own device... just.. don't. Turn it over to the police or let the bookshop hang on to it.


Hipko75 t1_jcl16xz wrote

Don’t hop too long! Sounds exhausting


truthswillsetyoufree t1_jclgl99 wrote

Be careful. Scammers often leave these out for people to find and plug into their device. They are often infected with malware.


psybermonkey15 t1_jcliluj wrote

One time I found one in a UVM parking lot and it had nothing but photos of Mayor Weinberger. Like, 100+ photos. A lot of him eating too.


GoteboHornet t1_jcluii5 wrote

If this has social and emotional learning material on it then it’s mine.


Otto-Korrect t1_jclztbu wrote

Hey, I can check out what's on it for you! The MRI machine I run at a hospital has a USB port, I'll just pop it in there!


Otto-Korrect t1_jclzyf7 wrote

If it has bitcoin on it, then it is totally the one I lost.


nbelang t1_jcm5z45 wrote

Try asking on front porch forum.


jim_br t1_jcmz12e wrote

We would bring in companies to do a social engineering audit. The auditors would drop a few USB sticks in the parking lots and lounge areas to see who would plug them into company computers. After we had training classes to not plug them in, 3/10 still did it.


DenverITGuy t1_jcnavnl wrote

If you have a spare device you don't care about, keep it off your home network (wifi/ethernet) and plug it in.


RetroIsBack t1_jcnm14g wrote

Insert it into as many laptops as possibl3.


Heady_Smoke t1_jcnu3zw wrote

Imagine if it purposely gets left and the one who find the owner gets killed and added to a file


Sarah_withanH t1_jcozig7 wrote

Yup! My husband works in IT for a startup and recently did a test by planting USB sticks in the parking lot. He labeled them “Payroll”. He said like 4/10 people plugged them in!


[deleted] t1_jcp6qdo wrote

Ahhh. The found flash drive. How my first computer forensic examination case began. I still thank the bad guy. Thousands of files of illegal content, and his resume on the drive.