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Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jedn04g wrote

Which accomplishes nothing excepts hurts the average Vermont child.


Rogers_Ebert t1_jee4upg wrote

That's the goal. They want complete control over your child's education. They're incensed people would choose private or State run.


Kixeliz t1_jeejip5 wrote

Hey, this is fun. I can play this game too. See, the goal of the pro-private school side is to suck as much public funding out of the public education system as possible. Then conservatives can point to a poorly run system they helped create while propping up the for-profits. (remind anyone of how conservatives govern? Ruin government then point to how ineffective government is and how private business is the solution). This is easy to see on the local level, with conservatives getting elected to the school board and immediately slashing school funding (See: Barre). That shitty school system helps keeps the populous dumb, aka easier to control, while also filling the pockets of the already wealthy using tax dollars for private schools.

Conservatives are incensed that they may have to send their kids to the same school as the poors so they want their own fancy schools while also getting the public to pay for them. And they are banking on enough of the population already being dumb enough to let them get away with it. Their kid gets nothing but the best, while the rest are left as dumb as possible so they can be whipped into a frenzy over "groomers" or "illegals" or whatever other existential "threat" of the day to keep them occupied.

Much like "the beatings will continue until morale improves," here we have "the funding will diminish until educational outcomes improve." Both make as much sense and get the expected outcome.


casewood123 OP t1_jefa8px wrote

The definition of “conservatism” is getting other people to pay for the shit they want.


Kixeliz t1_jefajc5 wrote

See, I've always taken the "conserve" part to mean they are conserving their wealth. Think Scrooge McDuck swimming in a pile of gold, or the dragon from the Hobbit.


Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jef21b8 wrote

This is the single dumbest pice of hyperbolic nonsense I've read on here all week.


Kixeliz t1_jef2xw8 wrote

This is actually high praise coming from a Mid-Vermont Christian School apologist. Y'all hate when your shenanigans get called out, huh? How's that indoctrination going?