Surfiswhereufindit t1_jcxluu1 wrote
I’m from New Jersey. I’ve been coming to all parts of Vermont for purpose of snowboarding or summer hiking for approx. the last 25-30 years. These days it’s primarily southern and central Vermont. I’m a low-budget, dirtbag who needs to think about every penny spent. I promise I come each time with respect for the locals and the imperative to support small local businesses whenever possible. In these last 2 winters (21-22 and 22-23) the notable changes have been swift and overwhelming. Those around me at the resorts (specifically Okemo and Mount Snow) seem extremely different than pre-pandemic and more clearly, pre-Vail corporation takeover. There is a clear uptick in the amount of uber-wealthy tourists (who are also absolute clueless kooks on the mountain) these last 2 winters who are destroying the vibe and culture I remember for so many years. The way they - act on the mountain; treat employees of local restaurants; treat each other on the roads, etc. is pretty disgusting. The April issue of the publication In These Times has a feature titled “The Vail-ification of the West” detailing how much of the resort areas of Colorado have been rapidly gentrified and taken over by seasonal resident millionaires and billionaires and what it’s done to the local labor force and people of income brackets far beneath the millionaire class. I’m not saying the scenario I’ve witnessed in southern and central Vermont is the same exact deal, but there were some undeniable similarities. I love Vermont and respect the locals, but I can’t lie and say I’m not worried about this state and it’s true locals.
Northwoods01 t1_jcy9gy3 wrote
We got here because the previous seasonal wealthy have bought our politicians, and in many cases actually run for office after moving here. Many or our local representatives are out of touch hipsters who simply pretend to care about blue-collar Vermonters while simultaneously hurting them with policy. "Let them eat cake" has become "Make them buy Teslas".
Surfiswhereufindit t1_jcyv7r6 wrote
I am so sorry to hear that. You deserve better. I always come with respect.
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