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Trajikbpm OP t1_jcul8t1 wrote

If all these schools are gonna be super luxury resorts soon and bring all these "jobs" they promise. Will they pay enough to afford our homes when we get priced out? Just a thought...


random_vermonter t1_jcuxt6f wrote

Smells like another scam like the pits in Newport and Burlington, specifically, the claims of job creation, etc.


DasWheever t1_jcvk1ms wrote

We're desperate down here.

America is now *actually* built around being toadies to the wealthy, because the rest of us ain't got shit.

What's that? "Bootstraps?" Eat my ass with that fantasy land bullshit.


Northwoods01 t1_jcvkzyb wrote

The worst part is that these resorts will likely just employ more visa workers as opposed to local Vermonters. It's cheaper for resorts in the long run since US wages don't match US inflation and cost of living expenses. This is obviously lost on our lords and ladies in Montpelier. If you wonder why the cost of services keeps going up, it isn't so your contractor, waitress, or nurse can keep up with expenses. They're saving up enough money to leave the state.


Odd-Philosopher5926 t1_jcvt1zj wrote

This shit needs to stop. These companies rob opportunities for affordable housing which is desperately needed to create bottom of the barrel jobs that don’t even touch the cost of living in Vermont.


HiImaZebra t1_jcw9ao6 wrote

I think people forget that Vermont isn't some large metropolitan area. It's fringe society.

Stuff like this can only be sustained in the manner in which it's going to be used.


ichigo841 t1_jcwspns wrote

Bold of you to assume they're even gonna offer you the job. They'll just import a bunch of slaves on J1 visas and "house" them with a bunk bed in a broom closet. You'll own nothing and be happy.


Surfiswhereufindit t1_jcxluu1 wrote

I’m from New Jersey. I’ve been coming to all parts of Vermont for purpose of snowboarding or summer hiking for approx. the last 25-30 years. These days it’s primarily southern and central Vermont. I’m a low-budget, dirtbag who needs to think about every penny spent. I promise I come each time with respect for the locals and the imperative to support small local businesses whenever possible. In these last 2 winters (21-22 and 22-23) the notable changes have been swift and overwhelming. Those around me at the resorts (specifically Okemo and Mount Snow) seem extremely different than pre-pandemic and more clearly, pre-Vail corporation takeover. There is a clear uptick in the amount of uber-wealthy tourists (who are also absolute clueless kooks on the mountain) these last 2 winters who are destroying the vibe and culture I remember for so many years. The way they - act on the mountain; treat employees of local restaurants; treat each other on the roads, etc. is pretty disgusting. The April issue of the publication In These Times has a feature titled “The Vail-ification of the West” detailing how much of the resort areas of Colorado have been rapidly gentrified and taken over by seasonal resident millionaires and billionaires and what it’s done to the local labor force and people of income brackets far beneath the millionaire class. I’m not saying the scenario I’ve witnessed in southern and central Vermont is the same exact deal, but there were some undeniable similarities. I love Vermont and respect the locals, but I can’t lie and say I’m not worried about this state and it’s true locals.


Northwoods01 t1_jcy9gy3 wrote

We got here because the previous seasonal wealthy have bought our politicians, and in many cases actually run for office after moving here. Many or our local representatives are out of touch hipsters who simply pretend to care about blue-collar Vermonters while simultaneously hurting them with policy. "Let them eat cake" has become "Make them buy Teslas".


VegetableBeneficial t1_jcyut97 wrote

Ugh. I hate seeing the state I love and grew up in becoming a rich people resort while the rest of us get pushed out


Twombls t1_jcyvi4t wrote

I mean Vermonters unfortunately are raised to feel the need to "roll out the red carpet" for these things. Even being raised by pretty left wing parents. The opinion was always. "This wouldn't be good anywhere else, but this is vermont we NEED the jobs/ money / economy". That sentiment unfortunately is deep rooted in many people here. "We need jobs at all cost just build whatever and sign whatever deal we can we need this". This is how we ended up with the pits. And the jay scam.


Twombls t1_jcyyiz7 wrote

True but unfortunately Vermont leaders are still stuck in the old school view of "they are here out of the kindness of their hearts. They don't need us we need them they will just leave if we tax them fairly"

Obviously this isn't true for the tourism industry. But unfortunately a lot of Vermont tends to be nieave in that way.


SVTer t1_jd1la53 wrote

The history of this place is nuts. A mansion built for an out of stater with big money in the early 1900s. Turned to a catholic novitiate mid 1900s. Then practically gifted to start up a college (SVC). College folds under massive debt in 2019. Trying to recoup the loses, the remaining trustees sign a lease and purchase and sale agreement with a Hasidic Jewish group from NJ/NY, who bring a couple hundred campers up in the middle of Covid summer 2020 to get some fresh air. Town goes bonkers over the noise and Covid protocols, and sees what might happen if these folks actually buy it. Local hospital steps up in the foreclosure bidding war to stop a potential yeshiva/Hasidic community like Kiryas Joel or Monsey. The hospital sits on the place for a couple years until they can find a buyer who’s plans won’t turn the community to absolute shit. Thank you SVHC (hospital) for stepping up…