Semi-Trucks Keep Taking This Scenic Vermont Road Even Though They All Get Stuck Submitted by TheScandinavianFlick t3_1272flt on March 30, 2023 at 11:07 PM in vermont We made the news! 6 comments 6
nlpnt t1_jed5uxc wrote on March 31, 2023 at 3:39 AM #2,514,613 Maybe we should have a video camera pointing to it and a YouTube site, like the 11'8" bridge. 4
06EXTN t1_jedaeho wrote on March 31, 2023 at 4:22 AM #2,515,858 $10,000 fine and loss of CDL, with mandatory recertification would stop this DEAD. but we have pussies in Montpelier. 1
nlpnt t1_jeej2nr wrote on March 31, 2023 at 1:11 PM #2,527,637 Replying to 06EXTN (#2,515,858) What sort of power does VT have to revoke out-of-state/Federal, let alone Canadian CDLs for something like this? Because it's a safe bet there's not one single VT CDL holder who's unaware of this. 2
06EXTN t1_jeendhi wrote on March 31, 2023 at 1:44 PM #2,529,159 Replying to nlpnt (#2,527,637) The state has power to enact and enforce laws that are broken within their borders. License suspension is totally one of them. 2
TheMobyDicks t1_jeft7c4 wrote on March 31, 2023 at 6:20 PM #2,542,692 Fine the shit out of both the driver AND the carrier. Post it in large lettering on signs at the Notch and before so that they can turn around. 1
AcceptableMixture365 t1_jecu8sp wrote
Hilarious 😂