Submitted by willynillyslide t3_124rsmz in vermont
If you must get Starbucks coffee, and live in/near Burlington, please consider favoring them over other locations! We should be supporting labor unions in this country.
Submitted by willynillyslide t3_124rsmz in vermont
If you must get Starbucks coffee, and live in/near Burlington, please consider favoring them over other locations! We should be supporting labor unions in this country.
Oh nice will do!
That's good to know. :-)
Fun fact. One in Six Starbucks in the State of Vermont is now Unionized.
Well ya. This post is just for anyone who has already made up their mind to be a Starbucks customer
Haha true
While unions are good, Nestle owns Starbucks and nestle is bad.
ETA- fair enough, the US stores and the coffee they serve there is Starbucks and not nestle, it’s privately owned by Howard Schultz. Nestle has rights to sell SB “ready to drink” coffee in a couple foreign markets as well as SB branded packaged coffee.
This is simply incorrect. Nestle doesn't "own" Starbucks.
Nestle doesn't own Starbucks, they simply are licensed to sell and distribute Starbucks products.
Nestle distributes their bagged and branded coffee and I'm not even sure they have the rights within the US.
I found a Starbucks travel mug and fill it with Maxwell House, then I drink it inside a Starbucks and nobody knows. One time I filled it with ice water and got away with it, but I’m scared to try that again.
Then that is the only one I will ever patronize. Though generally I just make coffee at home. I avoid starbucks when traveling and try to buy coffee from local cafes.
You don’t even buy a cup of coffee from them you buy IP unit that gets bounced from Ireland to BVI less than .95 cents on every dollar you spend there stays in the community, tons of local coffee shops.
Local cafes unionized?
Not around here, but generally they treat their employees significantly better regardless.
Let's grow worker's rights.
Coincidentally it’s also the worse traffic in Vermont! My favorite is when the SB police have five cars hanging out with their frappes. So cute
Vermont doesn't need more business from companies that choose to do business here because they can exploit Vermont residents more than they can exploit residents of another state, it needs businesses that can pay a thriving wage, and unions are a way to guarantee that. Almost no businesses are just going to hand over a thriving wage without being made to.
Collective bargaining rights are the foil to corporations' ability to lobby the federal government.
Breaking: No one has ever been out and about and decided they wanted a coffee.
Rhetorical… For safety, working conditions and the collective bargaining of Unions is great. This Shelburne rd location is the worst. My guess is most of the staff that pushed for the Union are gone due to retail turnover. So this crop will pay union dues into an empty vessel, get nothing better out of it & we can all virtue signal and go to this location. But you’ll be right back to your local shop cuz.. shelburne rd location stinks. Colchester, essex, WILListon!! These aren’t meat packers in 1875 and their unionization has not made them more efficient, better, happier etc.
Yeah, let's be real, because all of the businesses in Vermont aren't part of the skiing industry or skiing-adjacent industries.
Fun fact. There are much better coffee places to patron than Starbucks.
Lol are you new to VT? Vermont has always been about supporting local people and not corporations
Honest question: are any of the Dunks unionized, do you know?
Surprised that Starbucks didn’t close it down
the fact that people drink this dog shit says a lot about them.
> already made up their mind to be a Starbucks customer
brand loyalty is so strong that even when the dunkin sanitary conditions were figured out - people didn't care. "I NEED MY DUNKIES".
People rather be a meme than stand for anything. This is a fact. No matter if that place is unionized or not, the faithful will still spend their money.
well that is until the starbucks faithful customers come out in droves demanding their super sugar'd out coffee like drink.
fuck that, abolish the starbucks. IDGAF if they unioned or not - shit is gross. Gas station coffee easily beats this dog shit.
Union membership is at a record low.
Who gives a shit about college tuition. Y'all don't need a degree! Y'all need vocational education! Just kidding.
But still fuck Starbucks. That shit is awful. Dunkin too.
You know we could transform our economy into a production based economy. We don't have to pander to tourists. Trust me manufacturing and the production of quality goods could come back in a big way here.
☝🏼Have you seen how hard they work there sarcastically.. Those dudes can’t even string together a face to face order at 3:00 in an empty shop for drip coffee. “Ohh but the mobile order pace is so taxing” … this is madness. Some will boycott cuz it’s corporate coffee, but corporate coffee served by union members delivered to people who would only buy corporate coffee because it’s unionized but would never join a union in 1 million years. Breaks the logic center of my brain down.
Do more sales for their location translate to better union benefits or a better relationship with the company? I don’t think OP understands how contract bargaining or labor organizing work
Doesn’t matter. I’ve never been in a Starbucks and never will.
Sure. But are they union shops? What do they pay their staff?
I can't say; nor have I asked. I just think life is too short to drink shit coffee.
I'm not a Starbucks worker, but unionization made my life a lot better! And I do better work as a result.
Expecting small businesses to be unionized in a small state is just silly.
Sincerely, a union worker
It translates into the company seeing that customers prefer to shop at unionized locations. Starbucks is as anti-union as a company can be. There is a chance that driving more sales to unionized locations could change that. Or not, Howard Schultz seems like a pretty big dick no matter what.
He resigned last week to avoid testifying about union busting tactics AFAIK
Imagine, after decades of neoliberal policy giving free corporate reign thinking you could get Narasimhan, or any CEO for that matter, to invest in or prioritize locations with union labor. The company will forever be at odds with the union, even after the union leadership bureaucratizes and capitulates to the state, as many other unions have done. You cannot boycott them into platforming union labor and even if you could, why would you want to align the company and the union? Where are the beans that make all this coffee coming from exactly? Should the unions solidarity not be with the international workers? I’m sorry, but you don’t understand contract bargaining or labor organizing.
Starbucks has yet to sign a contract with any unions nationwide in their continuing campaign to prevent any union effectiveness.
And also freezes pay and benefits at the location while adjusting it at non union locations to aid turnover of union locations and while claiming no adjustments will be made until an agreement is completed.
Yeah, see my last sentence.
Chill out dude.
Big surprise
So why did you even post this? If you acknowledge that the first part is not only incorrect but damaging the labor movement with misinformation and proceed to disregard it in the last sentence, what was the point?
Apparently Starbucks has violated several laws when it come to union tactics.
I now agree with you. The balance has tipped significantly in favor of big business. Absolutely support your local union shops.
Agreed. Thanks for the info
Youre not wrong
Yep, Starbucks has been closing unionized stores using unrelated and often made-up excuses.
That store voted to unionize and then all the employee leaders quit for other jobs. The DM had it in for the store manager and eventually fired her for failing to prevent the union vote (though blamed it on failure to staff the store - a store no one wants to work at because the pay is less than other stores that didn't unionize).
As it stands, none of the current employees are stepping up to start talks so it was a big fucking bust that cost a bunch of people their jobs. Now that store has none of the recent raises that the other stores have, and there's no way they're getting any union benefits within the next two years because they can't get anyone to head the talks with Starbucks - not that Starbucks has agreed with ANY store in the US to give union contracts.
The best thing that can happen to that lpcation is it shuts down.
This is Vermont. Get that Starbucks shit the fuck outta here
Or ever wanted an espresso drink I guess. Not that Starbucks espresso is particularly good but its probably better than what the average person could make at home. Making espresso at home is more of a hobby than an actual way to get a drink.
There are better independent coffee places out there, but people who viscerally hate Starbucks coffee tend to have shit taste. By chance do you go to Dunkin Donuts and use an assload of cream and sugar in any coffee-based drink you consume
The idea of unionizing when you work for a national coffee shop has always seemed silly. As some other comments point out, local shops usually treat employees better, and the way the labor market is right now means that employees are valuable and have the ability to work somewhere else if they aren't paid or treated correctly. Introducing the bureaucratic nightmare that comes from archaic institutions like unions, which are only necessary or valuable anymore for certain limited sectors of the economy, is like putting a band-aid on an amputation. If you don't like your job, quit and find another one. If workers actually did this, corporate businesses will actually feel it where it hurts.
This post is a good example of the divide in what issues people choose to give a shit about between Chittenden County residents and everyone else in the rest of the State.
He is still testifying. Tomorrow.
If you like Starbucks just go to the one that’s convenient to you and keep anyone working employed. It’s possible not all the locations employees want to be unionized.
And I'm retired with a pension and affordable health insurance thanks to a union!
Union strong! ✊ :)
This is what happens sometimes in an economy where unions are thin. Not enough inertia. Don’t blame the people organizing, blame the shit capitalist culture that necessitates the union
As a SBUX employee, I can say this whole conversation is obnoxious, and people with 0 knowledge of Starbucks as a company being self righteous is even more obnoxious. Despite what the media tells you, a large contingent of Starbucks employees do not want to unionize.
Starbucks treats their employees very well, especially compared with their competitors. People don't realize that Starbucks competition is actually fast food chains and places like Dunkin. The pay and benefits that even an entry level barista makes is far and above what any of their competitors offer. But people see "Starbucks is big, therefore they must be evil" and just get behind whatever the movement de jour is.
Feel free to downvote me to oblivion, but the social commentary from people that have no idea on what they are talking about is tiring.
No I drink mine black. Typically equal exchange coffee or if I'm in the pits, chase and sandborn.
I'm pro-union (except for police unions) but understand unions won't work in industries with revolving door employment - that's what's happening here and with some supermarkets that have unionized. Unions work best in skill occupations. But everyone can try to unionize - just expect bad results if the company sees swarms of "disposable" employees lined up behind you waiting to work the job for 5 months before leaving. The company has no reason to kowtow, and that's just how it is. Sucks.
> but the social commentary from people that have no idea on what they are talking about is tiring.
Hi, first day in this sub? Welcome. It’s fun here.... don’t take any of it seriously. Most of these people are not even from Vermont.
Starbucks is a chain, Dunkin Donuts is a franchise. Different business model.
That’s the only SB location that shuts off mobile ordering in the mornings too. Last 3 times I tried to order ahead, I was unable to.
That’s a reasonable position.
If the wages were better, the revolving door effect wouldn’t be present as much. Perhaps they accepted less than they should have because their leverage was low or they undervalued themselves. These one-off outlier shops are really hard to gauge the metrics that drive the outcomes. I think unions should be present from the most unskilled jobs to the most. That’s the only thing that will ever shift the power dynamic from the bourgeoisie class to the people.
Howard Schultz doesn't own Starbucks either. It's a publicly traded company.
Thank you for the correction!
That's the thing here: Starbucks hasn't even started negotiations with ANY of the nationwide shops that unionized. They simply raised pay for all shops except ones that voted to unionize, telling these "union shops" they'd have to wait for negotiations to work out their pay raises.
In particular to the Shelburne location: all the union-planning employees have left (revolving door) and none of the current employees want to step up to represent the store during talks...not that Starbucks is even ready to talk.
Classic union-busting behaviors from their virulently anti-union POS CEO
you can't pick and choose unions. if your for unions then it's unions period. not unions* (except police).. thats how bullshit like this happens.. thats like saying I like all blacks* (except the light skin onces.. they got to be in the house) .. like wtf
Schultz is appearing before Bernie's committee today to answer for just that.
No, fuck that. Cops use their union to literally get away with murder while keeping their jobs and pensions.
And fuck you for trying to compare that to slavery and racism. There's no such thing as a blue life - you can take the shirt off. Black people can't take their skin color off, and cops are shooting them because of it and using unions to get away with it.
Wow. The lion the witch and the audacity of this bitch to try to compare indoor and outdoor slaves to being against how police unions sanction murder.
Things I didn't know. Also things new: franchises can't unionize?
your fake outrage is sad. I'm black. I don't much care for police but I also don't agree with being a hypocrite. what you wrote up there is complete nonsense.. soo please continue with your fake outrage...
They can, it just adds an extra layer of bullshit to the process.
> better than what the average person could make at home.
lies. at home you can choose your own beans, master the way of frothing your milk. You can make a much better product at home with even a cheap machine. Do not discount the DIY way. It's like bread, you can buy it in a store, or make it at home, guess which one tastes better and gives you more control over what goes in it..?
Fake outrage? Pfft. I grew up in the South Bronx where we survived the cops more than we did the streets. My eyes were forced open literally at gunpoint on playgrounds as a kid.
You may be black, but you're also a fucking moron if you don't see the problem with police unions. Take that shit to St. Elsewhere.
PSA: If you don't want to pay $6 for mediocre coffee and a virtue signal, Maplefields is fine.
I'm a coffee snob, but I'm not crazy, not passing up the 99 cent coffee at Cumby's. I honestly prefer it to Starbuck's nasty treacle.
>No matter if that place is unionized or not, the faithful will still spend their money.
That seems to be standard operating procedure now. When you see something you don’t like you post some criticism online, change a Instagram filter to show support for something, maybe sign a petition on a website and then carry on with your day. Every once in a while people show up to protest but then at the end of the day, go back to buying what they want and what is convenient.
The only agency we have left is our financial boycotts. If folks really want to take a stand everything else except the not buying a product can be skipped. Nobody cares. Want a company to take notice? Hit them the only place they understand, their wallet.
>> but the social commentary from people that have no idea on what they are talking about is tiring. > >Hi, first day in this sub? Welcome. It’s fun here.... don’t take any of it seriously. Most of these people are not even from Vermont.
You just told someone from Maine that they shouldn't worry because most people in the sub aren't from Vermont.
Exactly. Point proven.
Starbucks: My go-to when I crave burnt hot brown sugar-water.
zombienutz1 t1_je0kgst wrote
Better yet, make coffee at home and bring it with you.