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taez555 t1_jd9d0u9 wrote

Reply to comment by cedit_crazy in Be careful maple sugarers! by StankyBo

A couple years ago the kids wanted to try Sugaring, so we got a 50 gallon blue bucket and all the gear and proceeded to tap our maple trees and fill the barrel with sap over the course of a few days, but... the kids got bored so we left it sitting on our porch.

So of course a squirrel ended up drowning in the barrel, but no one wanted to get it out. Not to mention the barrel was full so at several hundred pounds was nearly impossible to move by hand.

We ended up just leaving it there for like 3 years till the squirrel finally disintegrated and then awkwardly pushed the barrel over to the woods to dump it out.

It was pretty gross.

Worse was when the dogs found the bones of the squirel and paraded it around the yard.

True VT story. :-)