kittybellyfulloflies t1_it9rvpv wrote
No. We're in a housing crisis, and our job market is slim picking unless you're already coming from money or make big bucks remotely / in a high end career. The few spots where housing is cheap/affordable, internet/cell service is slim and expect 45 mi. -1.5 hours to a profitable job (unless you get good enough internet to remote work). Are you ready for 7 months of snow and only 2-3 months of warm weather? Our winters are pretty but it's dark after 3:30pm -4:30pm for a good portion of our winter. Are you passionate about outdoor activities? We have slim pickings when it comes to stores/malls/things to do other than drinking or doing outdoor activities. Most Vermonters are to themselves so it can be VERY difficult to make friends / isolating. Is it a beautiful and unique state? Yes of course..but remember living here is going to be a 100% different experience from the glory of having visited here 3 different times.
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