woolsocksandsandals t1_iqqwlz5 wrote
So humpy.
dmccullum OP t1_iqr0kes wrote
Just depends on the situation and the shot I’m going for. This was taken above a nearby road/trail.
MacduffFifesNo1Thane t1_iqrd3ze wrote
As a flat lander, so this is a mountain of fat?
Twombls t1_iqre54q wrote
Please don't fly a drone off of camels hump. You aren't supposed to and its just annoying.
iwantttopettthekitty t1_iqrfxe9 wrote
Pretty sure this was taken from the north side, which is gives the least impressive views compared to south, west and east. If you google Camel's Hump you'll see what it 'usually' looks like haha.
maddkid53 t1_iqrj43i wrote
I don't even have a drone yet I'm just trying to figure out how people take good photos with them lol.
Which organization should I look to for Camel's Hump drone regulations? Is that a state parks thing, or FAA thing? I see it as "controlled airspace" on the app, but there's an option to request authorization.
Twombls t1_iqrpl8j wrote
Vt state parks
dmccullum OP t1_iqrrfkv wrote
I don’t believe that is the case (and I’ve done a fair bit of research into local drone regulations!) but if you can point me in the direction of the relevant restriction/regulation, I’m happy to take my post down!
dmccullum OP t1_iqrrpik wrote
This is actually from the west side, but from a low enough angle that you can’t see the summit rock well in this shot
dmccullum OP t1_iqrs010 wrote
I don’t believe there are state park drone restrictions in Vermont, but I do recommend following common courtesy and doing all you can not to annoy others enjoying nature!
Do be aware that if you wish to fly over in New York in the Adirondacks, the regulations are a bit more complex. I wrote a blog post outlining what you need to know about drone flight rules in the Adirondacks.
iwantttopettthekitty t1_iqrsdkb wrote
Gotcha. Nice pic!
dmccullum OP t1_iqs7buj wrote
iflyrcinvt t1_iqscg46 wrote
Nicely done, thanks for posting! VT parks do not prohibit drones at all :-)
tgeekb t1_iqqv6y1 wrote
Was there yesterday. The colors are really starting to turn.