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Quirfg t1_iso104f wrote

What a garbage post. I just moved here withy husband and we've brought our factory with us. The Vermont folk we've brought in work just as hard as the workers we had in a southern state.

I had a look at your profile, use of woke as an insult so I should guess you're not here in good faith. I've found southern redcaps the laziest workers I've ever encountered. Which is why we got rid of them all previously before we moved and hired proper workers.


DCLexiLou t1_iso4v5c wrote

GTFO with your trolling.


fiddlersgreen2021 t1_iso5gr2 wrote

“nO oNE wAnTS tO WoRk AnYMoRe”

We’re in the best market for job seekers in decades, people leave for better opportunities. The pandemic saw a huge wave of retirements, mass exodus from service industries, and many public service jobs. People figured out that could work for themselves or finally took that leap to something better. Life is too short to work for dolts middle managers in track suits who spend their days trolling Reddit and commenting on the Vermont gone wild sub.


edave22 t1_iso6xtc wrote

Why is it that nobody seems to want to work?

VT has a very low unemployment rate of around 2%. Most of us are working.

Is it really that great living off of welfare?


Why do people leave jobs after only a few weeks/months?

Usually because of low pay or shitty working conditions.


Jerry_Williams69 t1_iso7168 wrote

Sounds like your employer treats and/or pays workers poorly. Vermont's unemployment rate is like 1.8%. There are more openings than people available. Folks are just getting better jobs. People just don't want to work for your company.


suffragette_citizen t1_iso8nkw wrote

I left an employer last year who loved this rhetoric, but they paid below market wages and were positively draconian when it came to how they treated workers. Believe it or not, paying people subsistence wages while treating them like kindergarteners isn't a great way to retain talent.

They even invited a bunch of us in to talk about how they could keep employees; when we talked about wages, they poo pooed us and implied we "only cared about money." Well, no shit, we aren't working for the greater advancement of (insert international manufacturer), we're working to support our families and build a life. Especially when the bonuses for the CEOs are public record. We aren't stupid, we know the money is there.

When I left weeks later, for a better paying job with a local small business that treats me incredibly well, they were all *shocked Pikachu face* and threatened me with never being hired there again. THE HORROR.

There are plenty of applicants for jobs that pay well and respect their workers as actual people with actual lives. It's not our problem that you/your employer/your family business thinks people should live in poverty for the privilege of working themselves to the bone.


RareAlphaSigmaMale t1_isoipty wrote

Why are conservatives all low-iq, low effort shitposters without any semblance of a real personality?


suffragette_citizen t1_isorpqq wrote

Some do, and the Venn diagram of those employers and the ones claiming "no one wants to work" is pretty much a circle.

The companies losing employees right now are losing them to employers that pay better and/or treat them with more respect. You don't get unemployment if you quit a job, and the expanded benefits have expired anyway.


21stCenturyJanes t1_isosrpq wrote

Stop making stupid generalizations about "nobody" and "everybody" and you'll probably understand the issues a lot better.


MrHoonigan802 t1_isota7r wrote

These are the answers that help me understand. I had a hard time finding a decent job and well took whatever I could so I could pay bills and buy food. I don't think my post translated well and reads like I'm poking fun at people as a whole. Guess I'm just a dummy and need to use bigger and better words 🤷‍♂️. It's just that I've seen 11 people come and go within months so maybe they continued to look for other jobs rather than focus on doing the one they have. Maybe I should look at other options and see what's out there.


MrHoonigan802 t1_isoucfr wrote

Maybe you should learn to read better because that is not what the bank post was about. Maybe someone passed on their words of wisdom onto you as judgement and you've learned how to spell them out but still haven't accepted you need change so you pass them on hoping your self hatred doesn't continue to show?