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r20 t1_itlwyui wrote

Vague question; vague answer: it depends


27tricks t1_itm0fh2 wrote

Where in Vermont would you be looking to live?


Dangerous_Hope4831 t1_itm0has wrote

Everything depends on where you are coming from. Better is relative, so is worse. Also depends on the salary he was offered and where you are going to be living. In general Vermont has the same problems as everywhere else. Not enough housing or childcare and cost of living is higher than elsewhere.


mj12687 t1_itm402w wrote

If your looking for an honest and true depiction of vermont you will not get it on this sub reddit. If you scroll through and nod your head in agreement with this sub reddit a true evaluation of vermont is not within your grasp.


Johnny9Toes t1_itm44gi wrote

Before we moved to Rutland, we got some information here:

And we took advantage of their "concierge" program (virtually, though, during the pandemic).


Unique-Public-8594 t1_itm5h2u wrote

Vergennes is beautiful. Beautiful. Education system solid. Hard to get a PCP/Dr (wait lists, start now). Affordability depends on your pay rate and cash reserves.

You found a good spot to land for sure though.

Have you visited?

If you lean liberal, you will find it a refreshing change. If you like to ski/hike, youโ€™ll think it heaven.

This Forbes article ranks Iowa 16, Vermont 5th best for education:


[deleted] t1_itm93hx wrote

Vergennes is great. Limited housing in the area, the school systems and neighboring ones are downsizing due to low enrollment, which has been controversial, and its really expensive to live here.


ElDub73 t1_itmbbyc wrote

Itโ€™s expensive, cold, and dark.

But itโ€™s also a pretty cool place to live and work.


27tricks t1_itmddeo wrote

Not much I can add to what others have said here - Vergennes is a lovely city, may feel small if youโ€™re coming from a bigger population center.

Some friends that lived there in the past moved after a few years because they felt isolated, but others have been there for years and love it.


cpujockey t1_itmky79 wrote

ok good man, I'd hate to see you folks struggle. Shit is real rugged right here. I just barely got into a new role myself that is finally paying the bills - even then it feels like I'm coming up short with this new rental me and the mrs picked up for 2400 a month. really kicking myself for signing the lease - but happy it's happening.

by chance if you folks are interested in a trailer in Vergennes, I could cut you a good deal.


[deleted] t1_itmmgsf wrote

Sounds like OP would end up at Vergennes, so UVMMC is closer to them (Porter in Middlebury might be closest).

What are your thoughts on those, or the UVMMC network, generally?


jjblaze248 t1_itms06a wrote

Zero housing Stock. Rich fuck New Yorkers have come in and bought everything up for cash. So good luck finding ANYWHERE to live. Next is the cost of everything in VT is sky high. This state has maybe 2 interstates which means little to no shopping or competition for selling goods= prices crazy high. Been out here since Aug 2020 and have been plotting an escape since arriving. I hate it here. People are rude. There are very few children for my kids to play with. It's all one foot in the grave seniors on fixed incomes.


FrenchyReads t1_ito73yl wrote

VT is a lovely state with lots to love, but you should know that coming to the state now and looking in Chittenden County (and anywhere else near any kind of city/large town) for housing is going to be a complete nightmare.
If you don't have lots of spare cash to pay way over asking price (like at least 50k over asking), you're not getting a house. And the apartment game is equally as bad (from what friends have told me). For reference my wife has a good in-state job, and I have an out of state (read: higher than VT payscale) software salary and we're struggling to find a house that's not dilapidated. It's no joke or there right now.


Jerry_Williams69 t1_itoi90f wrote

As far as rural healthcare goes, UVMMC is pretty good. Middle of the road on a national scale. I have MS and have been really happy with the neurology care at UVMMC. Have had zero issues with pediatrics and primary care stuff. I think UVMMC is a little on the weaker side with a lot of specialty care.


DCLexiLou t1_itpl2ej wrote

Hi and welcome to the discussion. As a flatlander I'll start off (if you weren't born here, even if you have generations of native born relatives you will be a flatlander, just know it and forget about it).

Been coming here all my life after living in RI, moved to NW VT 10 years ago with a wife and 3 kids. Small town k-8 school, high school choice and slower pace of life combined to make it the best move of our lives.

Vermont is lovely, green, snow covered, mud filled, paved, dirt, liberal, conservative, libertarian, spiritual, atheist, you name it we've got it all wrapped into a splendid mix that somehow collectively works because most of us are good decent and kind people who will slooooooowwwly warm to you given time. There's a certain sense of belonging that comes when your Vietnam Veteran neighbor finally lifts his 2 fingers off the top of his steering wheel in a simple gesture that acknowledges your existence! It's the best! :-)

  • Housing - expensive-ish. A lot of people will roast me for this but I stand by my statement that housing is available if you are willing to accept something other than what you may be used to or initially desire. Example, single family home in South Hero will set you back a min these days of 400 - 800k, where a manufactured home in a cooperative owned park may have a lovely community, well cared for infrastructure and stability of being self owned. Many will not even consider such options, those who do may often find success. Alternatively, consider smaller than you think you need. Smaller footprint is cheaper to heat and cool (yes, AC is starting to catch on up here!)
  • Schools - great options. Vermont typically has been strong on education and has been investing in STEM and Tech training programs and centers for some time now. We had a major issue state wide several years back called Act 46 which sought to save $ by consolidating smaller schools and districts. It was challenging for many though the results for most areas that heavily involved themselves has been good. Be engaged in your local school, go to School Board meetings to get a sense of the tone.
  • Location Vergennes is a great spot. Pre-kids, my wife and I would make weekend trips in our Volvo 240 to eat at Vermont Pasta (then in Vergennes and Burlington, sadly gone now), grab a room at the Sky View Motel and enjoy all Vermont has to offer. We started camping in Grand Isle State Park when our kids were quite young and it cemented Vermont as the place for us to set our roots.
  • People - great mix. You will hear:
    • that Vermont is a Blue state, it is.
    • that we are a bunch of tree hugging hippies, just some of us! (Peace, Love, Dope!) extra points if you can name the movie that's from!
    • we're a bunch of liberals. Nah we're a bag of mixed nuts that heavily leans towards people over politics, not worrying about each other's private habits (bedroom or otherwise), and trying to do what's right for humans and animals.

That's about all I can put down at the moment. Feel free to comment with any questions and I'll try to help out. Good luck. ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ๐ŸŒˆโ„๏ธโ˜ƒ๏ธ๐ŸŽโ˜ฎ๏ธโ˜ฎ


memorytheatre t1_itq5thw wrote

If you like winter and winter sports, donโ€™t need big city convenience and amenities and are very liberal politically, you will probably really like Vermont. Unfortunately, housing costs exploded with people fleeing large Northeastern and western cities and buying up second homes during the pandemic. There is less sprawl and congestion than most comparably nice places and Vermont is very scenic. Skiing is a great winter activity for kids if you can afford it. Summers are great too.


Impossible-Bend-7456 t1_itu5wdc wrote


All that link shows is a facade of what Rutland pretends to be.

Huge homeless issue, drugs, high cost of living. Expensive daycare, vandalism and catalytic converter thefts. No shopping.....

Avoid Rutland like the plague.


thunder-cricket t1_itv7wqm wrote

Very liberal is a myth. I don't know about all of Vermont, but the Rutland area is full of obnoxious monster trucks, laden with F Joe Biden flags and other charming, classless messages for children to see. There are straight-up Confederate flags all over the place as well. Plenty of conservatives and full fledged reactionaries make Vermont their home and make everyone around them aware of their political views.


thunder-cricket t1_itv9e18 wrote

There is nothing to learn here. I wouldn't move to VT (or anywhere else for that matter) blind, unless you hate where you currently live and need a change, or you don't already have a job there and have one waiting for you here. Otherwise, I would insist on coming out here for a visit and see what you think. Ignore people bitching about housing and find out about housing opportunities online.


DriftMantis t1_iual2zj wrote

childcare: not available and expensive unless your in Burlington/ city areas

healthcare : basically fine

schools: depends on where but most are well above the national average.