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witchdoctor_26 OP t1_ir61c5p wrote

Does anyone happen to have a point of contact for this facility? I'd like to do some photography on the grounds if possible. The number on Google is disconnected. I know it was previously owned by Southern Vermont College, but I'm not sure if they still have any ownership or operations that I could coordinate with since closing down a few years ago. Any help is appreciated.


GwennieJo t1_ir6471m wrote

I think it is currently own by Southern Vermont Health Care and they have not decided what to do with the property. There is a somewhat recent article here: Bennington Banner Article

Not sure if that helps much. Good luck. It is a beautiful building!


DisastrousTruck697 t1_ir6iqvi wrote

They should make it a wedding venue because omfg it’s amazing


casewood123 t1_ir6tebo wrote

Back in the 80s I had a friend who was night security for SVC at the mansion. We would go up there and party all night. There is a lot of weird noises coming from that place in the middle of the night.


Ergotnometry t1_ir6w5jf wrote

I run into it all the time at work in the ski industry because of the company POC. I don't know whether they mean Piece of Crap, People of Color, Point of Cost, Point of Contact, Port of Call, Point of Care, Proof of Concept...


corbou t1_ir73hz4 wrote

I went to music camp here every summer as a kid. Such a cool place.


Lrn2board t1_ir74w01 wrote

Went to school there, very cool building and grounds


wut_the_phuck t1_ir7ay9u wrote

I live not even 10min from the place and in July 2016 I had my wedding there. My wife and I were the first people to approach them in over a decade. One of the best days of my life!

Sad to see it not being used these days though..


The_Observer_Effect t1_ir7h1tx wrote

Beautiful! And in Vermont?! It has more of a 1930's German aristocratic vibe to it.


Cap1691 t1_ir7stof wrote

It was built to compete with the Jennings mansion that is now part of Bennington College


Jetsam313 t1_ir7zxav wrote

I believe Southwestern Vermont Health Care owns it now. I’d start there.