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vtham OP t1_irozqgq wrote

The funny part is that only yesterday I told my wife I hadn’t seen many snakes this year.


alfonseski t1_irpdsnb wrote

We see them all the time playing disc golf. Often freaks me out cause they are so camoflauged and the ground starts moving. When I was a kid we would pick them up sometimes. But they bite you sometimes and it hurts, not alot but enough.


SinSinner626 t1_irpjrmp wrote

Yeah, thankfully they don’t have fangs like the ones I had down in Florida.


dukeof3arl t1_irp3y6w wrote

Walk through any type of tall grass slowly - preferably after a rain or in an area that has some stagnant water


theweeeone t1_irubxtd wrote

I see these guys daily during the summer around house and garden. I think they eat the toads.