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ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_itxg5zv wrote

Also one of the most progressive, best educated and least religious.

It's almost as if if these correlations seem to track for a reason?


Americ-anfootball t1_iu2cypp wrote

more like this "study" has a garbage methodology that just rewards wealthier, more rural states. Utah is 4th, and Iowa, Idaho, Alaska, Wyoming, Indiana, Arizona, and North Carolina all rank above New York, California, Illinois, and Colorado.

If you lined these all up by their score and their Cook PVI, average partisan vote share over the past ten elections, or whatever else you wanted to use to represent their ostensible "progressiveness", the R-squared value would be quite low.


StatsArentForDolts t1_iu47ajo wrote

Progressive and non-religious is the measure for safety? Sounds like LA and NYC must be even safer then. Maybe you should think about the actual reasons rather than trying to shoehorn in your personal politics.
