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ShadowPyronic t1_itxsea7 wrote

Sheesh someone should tell r/burlington . if you only get your news there you’d think vermont was a dystopian hellhole


hideous-boy t1_ity0yu7 wrote

people in that sub would not survive in Baltimore. Or any city in New Jersey


foamerfrank t1_ity8tbr wrote

I moved here from Philly… the idea that Barre is “scary” is absolutely hilarious. Sure there are small town problems here with drugs and little bouts of crime, but you’ll find that anywhere that humans exist. Vermont is fucking wonderful.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iu0dq7l wrote

Barre is VT scary. There is no location in VT that is really scary. There is no place in VT I would feel uncomfortable walking home at 2:00 am. Unless it's animals. Coyotes used to bark at me from the woods when I walked the class 4 road home as a kid.


adhdmamallama t1_itzg8yo wrote

I asked this sub for advice before my first visit to Burlington and so many responses were about how to stay safe. I was visiting from Baltimore LOL


Twombls t1_iu02ol5 wrote

I think you gotta keep in mind thought that people on burlington just aren't used to it. Like 6 or 7 years ago it was like how the rest of this sub is describing the state. Now theres comical levels of petty theft with a market right down town in a park where you can buy the stolen stuff. Its like entertaining but infuriating at the same time lol.


taez555 t1_ityvbr4 wrote

I overheard some of my co-workers talking the other day how they won’t go to Burlington anymore because the crime is out of control.


dropkickninja t1_itz1ikb wrote

It's had the probably it's always had. The police recently charged someone with the first homicide Burlington had this year, and with that all the homicides we had have been solved or resolved. Drugs and thefts seem worse and that sucks. We should get on that. Vote!


Thestraenix t1_itzgyhn wrote

I live in Burlington and had to leave the sub. I came here from middle of nowhere Midwest I know, I’m a flat lander) and for a city that’s half the size of my hometown Burlington has 1/100 th of the crime (statistically speaking, not exaggerating). The constant moaning and griping about how nowhere is safe and ‘I’d never bring my kids there’ on that sub was too much. I love my new hometown too much to spend time listening to people hate on it with overdramatic criticisms.


YPG-Got-Raqqa t1_ityx6jh wrote

Burlington is what happens when they make the hit TV show Portlandia real.


khannn t1_iu170aj wrote

I'm from Central Vermont and have lived in LA for over 12 years and I'm sure folks would come here and think they're gonna die within 12 hours here lol