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[deleted] t1_iuvv8a5 wrote


Successful_Order_638 t1_iuvxlj2 wrote


And what’s your point, anyway?

Here is the good ol USA I have an appointment next week that took me six months to get, and I’m on their “priority list” because of my previous diagnosis.

All the shit for profit healthcare boosters say will happen with single payer already happens with the current system.

So, I’m not convinced. Even if you do follow other subs. Dummy.


charliedontplaydat t1_iuwt201 wrote

Look, I’m pro socialized healthcare, but I am NOT for the Canadian system. Downvotes be damned, this is how I feel.


Trajikbpm t1_iuwwsdh wrote

Hahaha we wait that long here and end up in 1000s of debt.


[deleted] t1_iuwzs2j wrote



you_give_me_coupon t1_iuz4895 wrote

> Look if the people under the systems say it’s bad I believe them. It’s simple for me.

Same here. That's why I believe the ~90% of Canadians who want nothing to do with the American system.


gmgvt t1_iuwai1c wrote

Um, I can do and am doing that right here in the US of A. Ear still clogged up after a sinus infection that started end of August, ENT at UVMMC can't see me until January. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯