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murrly t1_iv4dd03 wrote

imagine if we had instead built a larger, newer stable base load power plant next to it, and then shut down the old one like responsible adults.

But no... we voted in Shumlin and let a child run things.


Loudergood t1_iv5qbw8 wrote

Who would run it? The same company that was so good at maintenance they let a cooling tower collapse?


murrly t1_iv5wc6v wrote

I'm a firm believer the US government should be running nuclear power plants, not private companies.


Twombls t1_iv5xwus wrote

That will happen when pigs grow wings.


VWSpeedRacer t1_ivicv2c wrote

... and they will, thanks to leakage from a privately run plant...


Twombls t1_iv5v6w2 wrote

Wouldn't be profitable to build. Hydro quebec undercut them with cheap hydro power from those massive dams that were built.