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Wired0ne t1_ixram4o wrote

If you are lucky enough to get T-Mobile 5G internet in Vermont, JUMP on it!! $50/mo for ‘all you can eat’ including taxes is the best thing you’ll ever get. I have it in Florida, but it’s not available where I am in VT. The service is very stable, the router takes a few mins to set up, and you can take it with you if you travel (and service is available). I have no clue why it’s not available for the whole state, but again, if you are in a place you can get a signal, DO IT. I’m still on the wait list for south Burlington.


OrdinaryTension t1_ixsjegl wrote

My house in Morristown is not in their 5G map, but I was able to call them and convince them that 4G was good enough. I get 40/20 most days, sometimes a little faster. We had starlink, but TMobile is more stable, and half the price.


RoyalAntelope9948 OP t1_ixrc4b8 wrote

Wow thanks! It always helps to have a good recommendation. Can you tell me whether or not their prices increase a lot? Comcast seems to go up every six months!


Wired0ne t1_ixs0o8n wrote

Nope, no hidden fees and no contract. Honestly, I can't imagine how they make money. I have tmobile cell service, which can be tricky in parts of vermont, but overall, pretty darn good. BUT.... Best thing out there if you are a t-mobile customer is TMobile Money. Check it out. I know I sound like a commercial, but I'm a huge fan of the company.