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HappilyhiketheHump t1_ixlyjpg wrote

No. The pace of construction is way behind demand, especially outside Chittenden County. Additionally, homes are still being purchased with cash for rental investment and second homes.
There may be a peak in sales in the next year or two, but Vermonts house prices have proven stable even through financial events like the 2008 crisis.


ChefOk8428 OP t1_ixm1en3 wrote

Wow. Thanks for the assessment and history.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_ixm2b50 wrote

Vermont is very popular right now because of how well we did (are doing) with covid, low population density, it’s natural beauty, clean air, for people fleeing red states, and because we’ve been designated as the state least likely to be impacted by climate change.

Might be more reasons. Those are the ones I know of.

It’s also not in the meth top 10. Source:


1DollarOr1Million t1_ixm7ego wrote

The above is mostly correct except I think right now we are in a plateau due to both the interest rates being high and AirBnB bookings being in a decline, with exception of very popular locations like ski towns.

Prices aren’t really dropping nor will they, like above said even in 2008 VT was pretty unaffected, but some homes are sitting on the market a bit longer so it’s not as dire to find a place as it was 2 years ago.

Overall, if you can’t afford to buy now, then that prob won’t change anytime soon unless you increase your income significantly or can get together a solid down payment, or both. Best of luck tho.