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NonDeterministiK t1_ivmqcsf wrote

my car had cat stolen because it is unattended most of the time. Mechanic said it'd be restolen and just put a straight thru pipe & car now won't pass inspection. I'm told certain aftermarket converters are unattractive to thieves & they won't bother stealing them. Is this correct?


YPG-Got-Raqqa t1_ivor0yb wrote

First, that is completely insane advice by the mechanic.

Second, that is correct. Aftermarket cats have far less platinum group metals inside of them.


NonDeterministiK t1_ivozg3u wrote

I should qualify: mechanic suggested a temporary straight thru pipe rather than a $750 toyota conveter, while I look for a cheaper alternative, rather than having the 2nd cat stolen again. I'm actually grateful to this mechanic


YPG-Got-Raqqa t1_ivp0qi2 wrote

Ohh it sounded like he was suggesting that as a permanent fix!

Yeah get an aftermarket cat. Not a racing cat, just an aftermarket replacement.


MarkVII88 t1_ivooyb2 wrote

Don't ever go back to that mechanic again.