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Twombls t1_ixxrr6w wrote

this thread really brought the climate change deniers out of the woodwork lmao


Aronomous t1_ixzwxn9 wrote

> this thread really brought the climate change deniers out of the woodwork lmao

Lol right? It’s kind of a trip. Arm chair scientists who have never baled hay, as they say.

I for one am 100% going to listen to the person on Reddit who uses the word “lemmings” in his climate dissertation. /s


Walruzuma t1_ixxv6hv wrote

Please define 'climate change deniers'. There are very few people who would deny the climate was different during the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous. The question is, whether the population has been so brainwashed by media and political agendas to believe the last 150 ish years is anything other than coming out of 'The Little Ice Age', a period that culminates 'The Renaissance' where temperatures were over 2 degrees higher than today.


Twombls t1_ixxw3sh wrote

Ill explain it super simplified so that climate change deniers with less than a 3rd grade education can understand.

Carbon is trapped underground. In the form of coal and oil.

This got trapped long before humans existed. Before decomposers existed really.

Humans dig up and burn oil and coal releasing the carbon.

This warms the planet back up. Sadly none of the animals from the jurassic and cretatious period still exist. So the current ones really aren't adapted to survive it. And humans are making the climate change on a human scale of time. Historically climate change would be on a geological scale.


Walruzuma t1_ixxyxe8 wrote

I'll agree, that's a 3rd grade understanding. Because Graduate School will teach you that increased carbon in the atmosphere will increase the number and size of plants. This is real and if you deny this, you have no merit.

EDIT: Also, your understanding of how all this works is clearly from a Politicians syllabus, not a Scientists.
