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twdvermont t1_iwqko84 wrote

Poor guy just wanted to buy swords at the mall and hang them up on his bedroom wall at his parents house and now everyone knows he's a loser.


zonitronic t1_iwqtr5u wrote

Good Times With Weapons - "Let's fighting Love!"


willowbeest t1_iwr5bat wrote

Honestly, this was my first thought: He probably bought them there.

Second thought: why is this news? It's not illegal to have any of those things, so why are the police involved? If he's a person of interest for some other reason, then maybe let's just say that.


draggar t1_iwrd6rl wrote

> No criminal charges are anticipated.

Well... um.... really?


Taxedout12901 t1_iwrf3pj wrote

Why do they still have his picture up?


kalitarios t1_iwrfbch wrote

If you ask a criminal lawyer, like I did out of curiosity, then they may violate the blade laws in your area if the sharpened edge is longer than, or in violation of what the law allows.

But typically nothing will happen unless someone is wielding it as a weapon menacingly or just being incredibly stupid with it, or if people are in fear of their well-being or safety.

My specific question i asked was if I could wear a full set of medieval knight armor and sword to work on casual friday. Could i take public transportation.


Yourlowkeydumb t1_iwrg5z1 wrote

Nothing illegal about it lmao, bet some “prius wielding” college kid called it in 😂


willowbeest t1_iwrhk77 wrote

Fascinating! Thanks for the insight. Hopefully the store in the mall isn't selling illegally-long sharpened-edge items!

_Could_ you wear your full armor on public transportation? Now I'm curious!


cesare980 t1_iwrmmvx wrote

When they switch from the anime style back to the regular version and it's just Butters with a ninja star in his eye....I don't know if I've ever laughed harder at a TV show.


Oeslian t1_iwrnb7m wrote

Quality WCAX reporting here. Especially the photo of the man apparently taken with the same camera used to capture all images of ghosts and bigfoot.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iwrtkhc wrote

Called in by the same type of people who call in a person walking down the street with a rifle.


werdnak84 t1_iws9xv4 wrote



chaptertwovt t1_iwsdcc2 wrote

What else is the U-Mall for if not for socially awkward young adults to spend excessive amounts of money on cosplay accessories? They should rebrand it “Dungeons and Dragons and Beyond”


WeeGreyCat t1_iwszixl wrote

So I can carry a gun, but not a sword? Makes good sense.


bignotion t1_iwtj94d wrote

Tattle on your neighbors. Vermont is going the way of Portland


SemperFuu t1_iwucea2 wrote

It’s a real knife fight out there


WhatTheCluck802 t1_iwutk8l wrote

Doesn’t Paul Blart have anything better to do than to harass this guy?!


Goldentongue t1_ix4m0tx wrote

This isn't your house, bud. Also, that's not a normal conversation dads have to have with kids. Sounds like you've just been oblivious on how to interact with other humans since you were child.