twdvermont t1_iwqko84 wrote
Poor guy just wanted to buy swords at the mall and hang them up on his bedroom wall at his parents house and now everyone knows he's a loser.
timberwolf0122 t1_iwqtn96 wrote
Hey, those swords brought that guy some happiness, people buy all kinds of useless crap like bibles and the 10^16 pillows for a couch or a cat and no one gives them shit
zonitronic t1_iwqtr5u wrote
Good Times With Weapons - "Let's fighting Love!"
TheMobyDicks t1_iwqvc7l wrote
>useless crap like bibles
Love it.
Imagine if you wrote that on r/alabama ?
sneakpeekbot t1_iwqvdo3 wrote
Here's a sneak peek of /r/Alabama using the top posts of the year!
#1: Alabama's parole board shot down every single case yesterday, denying relief to all 28 eligible people including this man, after he's served 12 of a 20-year sentence for marijuana possession and distribution. He's at a minimum security work center where they work him for $2 a day | 265 comments
#2: Alabama is a hidden gem of beauty in this country. (Gallery) | 161 comments
#3: This meme has more reproductive rights | 193 comments
^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^Contact ^^| ^^Info ^^| ^^Opt-out ^^| ^^GitHub
Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_iwqxd60 wrote
LOL It's reddit pretty much the same demo no matter what state. They would love you and give you some free internet points. Not quite the burn you think it is.
ThirdFirstName t1_iwqxrrq wrote
Bad bot. Get that out of here.
JerryKook t1_iwr0hwa wrote
That episode is one of my all time favorites.
Little boy, what are you doing?
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iwr3afw wrote
Lol awesome
willowbeest t1_iwr5bat wrote
Honestly, this was my first thought: He probably bought them there.
Second thought: why is this news? It's not illegal to have any of those things, so why are the police involved? If he's a person of interest for some other reason, then maybe let's just say that.
meinblown t1_iwr6c1t wrote
They wouldn't be able to read it anyways.
WordAdministrative80 t1_iwrbf47 wrote
These were also my first thoughts. If he wasn’t threatening anyone I don’t see why anybody cared. Mall security was clearly having a slow day
Lord_Alabaster t1_iwrddq3 wrote
Taxedout12901 t1_iwrf3pj wrote
Why do they still have his picture up?
kalitarios t1_iwrfbch wrote
If you ask a criminal lawyer, like I did out of curiosity, then they may violate the blade laws in your area if the sharpened edge is longer than, or in violation of what the law allows.
But typically nothing will happen unless someone is wielding it as a weapon menacingly or just being incredibly stupid with it, or if people are in fear of their well-being or safety.
My specific question i asked was if I could wear a full set of medieval knight armor and sword to work on casual friday. Could i take public transportation.
Yourlowkeydumb t1_iwrg5z1 wrote
Nothing illegal about it lmao, bet some “prius wielding” college kid called it in 😂
willowbeest t1_iwrhk77 wrote
Fascinating! Thanks for the insight. Hopefully the store in the mall isn't selling illegally-long sharpened-edge items!
_Could_ you wear your full armor on public transportation? Now I'm curious!
SnooMaps1313 t1_iwria3i wrote
You're right, out of all the ridiculously stupid parts of this stupid story, doxxing this kid for no reason is really dirty on the part of PD and WCAX.
cesare980 t1_iwrmmvx wrote
When they switch from the anime style back to the regular version and it's just Butters with a ninja star in his eye....I don't know if I've ever laughed harder at a TV show.
friendofmany t1_iwrpf1l wrote
thisoneisnotasbad t1_iwrtkhc wrote
Called in by the same type of people who call in a person walking down the street with a rifle.
Bering_Sierra t1_iwrvogl wrote
Only if it is horse drawn.
81_BLUNTS_A_DAY t1_iwrxp6u wrote
Once you remove the social pressure religion really is just delusion-lite
mysticcoffeeroaster t1_iws8718 wrote
Why would anyone even report this?
Goldentongue t1_iwsctrd wrote
Former Alabamian turned Vermonter. Can confirm.
chaptertwovt t1_iwsdcc2 wrote
What else is the U-Mall for if not for socially awkward young adults to spend excessive amounts of money on cosplay accessories? They should rebrand it “Dungeons and Dragons and Beyond”
chaptertwovt t1_iwsdhb5 wrote
Put another way: if the cops told me they were looking for a young guy wielding swords I’d say “have you checked the University Mall”?
milsurpfarts t1_iwsdzvh wrote
It’s because all of of the cameras in the U Mall are from 1997
Corey307 t1_iwsgwgy wrote
Who cares? Open carry of firearms is legal in Vermont who cares if some kid bought some swords?
Superb_Raccoon t1_iwsm3k3 wrote
Want a bag for those?
Nah, I'm good...
Nobes1010 t1_iwspi9e wrote
Hahaha. YES!!! Came here for this. Was not disappointed.
theghostofmrmxyzptlk t1_iwsqw4a wrote
Yes, but they can refuse you service for concerns about the safety of other passengers.
dropkickninja t1_iwssv1k wrote
It's full on delusion. But it makes some people happy. And some really mad at people who don't believe in their version of the imaginary sky wizard
speeyforbany t1_iwsy40d wrote
My first thought: how very South Burlington of them getting all antsy over a dude buying stuff at a mall.
WeeGreyCat t1_iwszixl wrote
So I can carry a gun, but not a sword? Makes good sense.
GreenMountain420 t1_iwtwgpw wrote
😂Well now ya DOOOOOOO ya SHIT.
I now will frequent the sword store at the mall.
Left-Link5070 t1_iwua4wx wrote
Saved 10 cents
Mental-Job7947 t1_iwuerc2 wrote
One of the security guards is the mall managers son. Even purchased his own little security hat and gear. He takes his job very seriously
WhatTheCluck802 t1_iwutk8l wrote
Doesn’t Paul Blart have anything better to do than to harass this guy?!
willowbeest t1_iwuv1gv wrote
If they clutched their pearls any tighter, they'd asphyxiate!
1DollarOr1Million t1_iwuzxlw wrote
Mr. Manager
speeyforbany t1_iwv059n wrote
Oh my gosh yes! Thank you for getting my humor!!!
Vermonter623 t1_ix09hzv wrote
Former Alabamian turned Vermont resident. FTFY
Goldentongue t1_ix1f5tg wrote
Fuck off you pretentious twat.
Vermonter623 t1_ix3ot9l wrote
Stop pretending to be a Vermonter. It’s a birth right. Not an address
Goldentongue t1_ix4gi4h wrote
I wasn't born in Alabama either, you dipshit. Seems like regional identity maybe isn't dependant on where your mom squeezed you out.
Your attitude is not welcome in this state.
Vermonter623 t1_ix4ltxy wrote
Haha that’s cute. Clearly your father never had the ‘don’t tell a man what to do on his own house’ talk with you
Goldentongue t1_ix4m0tx wrote
This isn't your house, bud. Also, that's not a normal conversation dads have to have with kids. Sounds like you've just been oblivious on how to interact with other humans since you were child.
Vermonter623 t1_ix4m4r7 wrote
You keep telling yourself that
rumpusbutnotwild t1_iwqhba4 wrote