Submitted by AOx3_VSS_IDGAF t3_yy1lo5 in vermont
bigmountainbig t1_iwrroa0 wrote
Reply to comment by Vermonter623 in Spotted in rural northwest VT by AOx3_VSS_IDGAF
Can you explain why? I don't get it.
inflatablemoses t1_iwrwctr wrote
It's funny because this dummy trumper thinks he's "triggering the libs" with his sign.
[deleted] t1_iws066h wrote
random_vermonter t1_iws9372 wrote
The farmer is triggered, hence the stupid sign. I love it when Biden lives rent-free in the heads of these bumpkins.
inflatablemoses t1_iws3ezh wrote
I actually thought it was funny, and certainly wasn't triggered.
thunder-cricket t1_iwry86q wrote
I guess people make mazes out of their corn fields, which i didn't know either, until i googled it now. So, now understanding that, I believe the point is Biden too stupid to navigate a corn maze unless the corn has been plowed and there is none standing.
I know. Trump fans dunking on Biden for being stupid.
ownyourthoughts t1_iwscsws wrote
You must be a city kid. 😂
thunder-cricket t1_iwsd2j6 wrote
Guilty. Born and raised in the Lower East Side of NYC. Back before it was expensive and cool.
ownyourthoughts t1_iwsxdwb wrote
You don’t know what you’re missing!
the_mad_mycologist t1_iwsh4p8 wrote
I'm concerned that you made it this far into the sub before realizing we make corn mazes
thunder-cricket t1_iwsw765 wrote
I guess make more corn maze threads?
the_mad_mycologist t1_iwsyj7a wrote
Wouldn't complain about that!!
twowheels t1_iwvtomb wrote
Here's a satellite view of one (the link goes to regular map view, so you'll have to turn on Satellite view):
Vermonter623 t1_iwrxiax wrote
It’s funny because of the dementia.
random_vermonter t1_iws96s2 wrote
Trump has dementia but you didn't hear that from me....
Vermonter623 t1_iwsc0fe wrote
At least gas was cheap and it cost $200 a month less to heat my house
random_vermonter t1_iwsca11 wrote
Typical boomer response. I’d tell you about supply and demand but you’re stuck in the mindset that an American president personally controls this stuff instead of the markets. 🙄
Vermonter623 t1_iwsd6i0 wrote
Yet didn’t Brandon mumble something about fining gas companies. But hey at least upper middle class white people were give a mulligan on student debt or wait. No never mind
captainogbleedmore t1_iws61t2 wrote
Vermonter623 t1_iwsbw9y wrote
At its root ableism assumes that the person in question requires fixing. There is no fixing dark mat Brandon.
sluttymcfuckstick t1_iwscl74 wrote
how do you know they are neurotypical? for al you know they could be coping with dark humor. do better
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