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mellercopter OP t1_iyjc269 wrote

Reply to comment by JerryKook in Doggie door recs by mellercopter

Sorry about your pets, also sorry you can't get more. I have two crazy little yippers you can borrow. You may not want more dogs after a weekend with my ankle biters though. Thanks for your insight!


JerryKook t1_iyjdtb3 wrote

There has been a tendency in the past several years for people to adopt reactive dogs that they can't or won't control. These days I would be hesitant to let any dog outside when I am not home. I definitely wouldn't let little yippers out when I am not home or alone at night.

At night the wild life comes into play.


mellercopter OP t1_iyjfbad wrote

Backyard is fully fenced with 6ft solid picket and I'm in town so the wildlife is less concerning, but my dogs are also Velcro dogs and hate the cold so especially during the winter they'd be right back in. I am home most of the time so it is really mostly for at night. They are small so they can't really hold it all night. I used a strip of live sod in a tray inside when I lived in an apartment that I'd toss when it started to smell, but now that I have a yard it's just annoying.