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mellercopter OP t1_iykyevc wrote

There is no such thing as VT only snow tires or VT only winter boots, or VT only woodstoves, or VT only heat pumps, but all of those things get posted here because people are specifically asking about their applications and functionality in relation to VT which is exactly what I am doing here. I'm not asking about cold weather dog doors. I am asking people who live where I live to tell me their first hand experiences with them.

I searched for r/dogs, the first three posts were about how everyone is unhelpful, judgmental, and mean in the sub. I don't really understand the need to reply, if you don't have a doggie door in VT then this post isn't for you. If you do, I'd love to hear about any experiences you have had a long with the handful of other people who have experience with having a dog door in VT.


ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_iykzuop wrote

Maybe people seem unhelpful, judgemental and mean because you don't follow Reddiquette?

There is no snow tire subreddit, or winter boot subreddit, so people talk about it as a general topic here because there is no more appropriate subreddit to do so, unlike a discussion about dogs, there is a subreddit for discussions about dogs, it is r/dogs**.** There is also a r/heatpump subreddit and a subreddit for wood stoves called r/woodstovin and those are the "most appropriate communities for those discussions". That's how Reddiquette works.

Please follow Reddiquette. The appropriate community for discussions about dogs is r/dogs.

This is a community for discussing Vermont, not dogs and dog related things.


mellercopter OP t1_iyl0typ wrote

Dude, I literally scrolled for 30 seconds in your comments and you have commented on dog related posts in both Boston and new Hampshire subreddits and in none of those responses were you lecturing people about all dog posts needing to be in r/dogs. If this is the hill you're willing to die on whatever.


ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_iyl1bol wrote

Yeah, because those were discussions about Boston and New Hampshire.

You are not discussing Vermont here, you are discussing dogs and dog doors, which has literally nothing to do with Vermont.

Please follow Reddiquette. The appropriate community for discussions about dogs is r/dogs.


mellercopter OP t1_iyl25eo wrote

I am discussing the weather within the state of Vermont and how that weather may impact the temperature of my home in VT if I modify my home in VT with an item used by dogs who also love in VT and would like input solely from people in the state of Vermont on their experiences in VT with VT weather and how that weather has impacted the temperature of their homes in VT when they modified that home with an item used by their dogs who also live in VT. If I plan to coat the door with maple syrup or build a creamee dispenser in the top would that make it VT enough for me to seek the input of Vermonters or should I just create a subreddit for Vermonters with doggie doors instead?


[deleted] t1_iyl2t6e wrote

No, you are not, you are discussing cold weather dog doors, which is a discussion that you should really take to the appropriate subreddit, which again is r/dogs.

Please follow Reddiquette:

"Post to the most appropriate community possible."

Creating a subreddit for dog doors is a good solution, yes.