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Vermonter623 t1_iz255um wrote

I had never heard of her until this election cycle.


RandolphCarter15 OP t1_iz25fok wrote

She was the majority leader of the state Senate


Vermonter623 t1_iz2ilei wrote

But your claim that she was a household name is wrong. Most people I worked with had never heard of her either


Conflict_Main t1_iz3tvv3 wrote

Is anyone in the VT House or Senate a household name? Grey seems power hungry and hasn’t put in any time or as any accomplishments within government. Balint put in time and has government experience. Not the same


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iz2ds4n wrote

She was pretty unknown out of politically active circles.

*folks here hate to admit it but she was predicted to be behind early on from a lack of name recognition.

>For months, the marquee race of this election season had seemed like a much tighter contest; in fact, in its early days, the primary had looked like Gray's to lose. She had statewide name recognition from her official post, institutional support within the Democratic establishment and an elevator pitch that seemed precision-engineered to appeal to Vermonters who value homegrown talent:


Vermonter623 t1_iz34ucc wrote

People here like downvoting those they disagree with. Or as I call them, those who are armed with facts.


RandolphCarter15 OP t1_iz37eb4 wrote

Or maybe we get tired of debating the semantics of a subpoint of a side comment of a post that was not on the topic of Balints name recognition


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iz4c3mh wrote

I think in general this sub is full of poorly informed people. Reddit in general shows the power of populism in discourse. Unfortunately every previous iteration with a similar voting structure has resulted in the echo chamber that Reddit is.

This style communication forum is a old model, slashdot was the first to use it and it ended the same way there. Popular opinion overrode facts on a regular basis.

Every once in a while you will find a well cited post and it is awesome. More often than not though you find it self referential like Wikipedia has the ability to become.

Misinformation is posted here, on purpose or simply through ignorance, people like the message and upvote it until down the line somebody uses that mistake as a citation in a future discussion.

For instance this guy didn’t even post anything except a title and edited blurb to insult a political candidate then freaks out enough to edit his post when he gets trolled. The hypocrisy is amusing but it clearly illustrates he does not want any sort of dialogue. He wants internet points from the 18-32 white male upper middle class demographic that makes up most of Reddit.

Unfortunately this seems to be a large demographic on Reddit. I guess not unfortunately, that is like saying racists are a large demographic at klan rallies. This is their space and if others want to participate we should, if not respect, at least accept the idiosyncrasies that accompany it.

I dont really care much either way to be honest. When I really want a discussion I’ll talk to a real person who I find interesting and intelligent. When I want a shot of electronic dopamine I can alway come here and say something like “Bernie good” or “Malloy has sex with eagles” and the masses will upvote as much as they can. For all the times in between I will keep reading this sub to see what the demographic in the state I live in and love so much is becoming. Try to engage every once in a while and enjoy the fact I don’t need to complete for housing.

*holy shit that was long. I wrote it while having my morning coffee. Sorry for the rant.
