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Soci3talCollaps3 t1_j2b484h wrote

Amateur tip: Shop elsewhere. I used to shop at Costco all the time, but discovered that it was less expensive to just buy smaller quantities elsewhere, especially Aldi, and have less waste. Plus I am not tempted to buy stuff I don't need, like a new 24 pack of giant muffins ✅, a new kitchen appliance ✅, or a cedar playground for the kids ✅.

That said, I miss going. Twas always fun (my local store back then wasn't too crowded).


Radarker t1_j2doos2 wrote

For my partner and I, we learned we were wasting money until we learned to buy bulk that doesn't expire. Toilet paper, paper towels, butter for the freezer, chicken breasts for the freezer, jarred and dry food items that last at least 6 months. We do save money, but we definitely wasted a lot of food before we realized that the amounts sold of many items are too large for 2 people to consume.


GreenPL8 t1_j2bivcw wrote

The closest Aldi is in Rutland?