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MarkVII88 t1_j29p1j6 wrote

Per the article: The full-time position at Hartford Redemption pays $15 an hour and after one year of employment includes one week of paid vacation, paid federal holidays and paid sick time, Trombley said. Part-time employees make minimum wage, which in Vermont is $13.18 an hour.

Also per the article: But in recent months, the center has struggled to maintain a full-time employee. Trombley had to fire one employee for stealing from the cash register, he said. Another hire showed up for only two days. More recently, “a couple of weeks ago,” Trombley found a Hartford center employee “slumped over inside his car” from what appeared to be a state of intoxication.

So the issue is finding people to work who aren't thieves or no-loads, for a job that pays $15/hour. Maybe someone could make more money at a place like McDonalds, but do you think an employee who acts like what Trombley describes in the article is going to last any longer at a moderately higher paying job, where there's probably more responsibility? There are people who want to work and those who don't.

Now I wonder, why I don't feel any sympathy or empathy for people who, as you say, just want to pay their heating bill, yet they steal from work, show up hammered, or otherwise drugged-up.


AKAManaging t1_j2bg4nn wrote

I'll post to you the same thing I posted elsewhere in this topic.

>I've talked to MULTIPLE employees at this location.

>They are all very vocal about the fact that their employer is very abusive, and not at all a good boss to work for. One of those "Employees are lazy, nobody wants to work" type of people.

>Just as an aside. There's a reason why they struggle to keep employees.

If you're well known in the area for being abusive to your employees and don't pay properly, you're going to continually get lackluster employees. Pay more and you can pick whomever you want.


Websters_Dick t1_j2dlx1c wrote

Yeah, and look at that after one year. You want to work a full year without sick time or vacation time? Then you go ahead and take that job


MarkVII88 t1_j2e9lq9 wrote

You can take time if you're sick or want a vacation, just not paid. Boo fucking hoo that a bottom of the barrel job doesn't have full benefits from day 1.


Websters_Dick t1_j2ep276 wrote

I forgot, my bills stop existing when I get sick! Thanks for the reminder. It's wild that every other industrial nation can provide guaranteed vacation, sick and parental leave yet we can't here in the USA.